
上传日期:2006-11-28 14:07:25
上 传 者alry
说明:  nVidia开发的图形语言 Cg,用于进行顶点渲染和象素渲染,语法类似于 C。
(nVidia graphics development of the Cg language, used for pixel and vertex exaggerated exaggerated, similar to the C syntax.)

Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\atom.c (22038, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\atom.h (3092, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\binding.c (12108, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\binding.h (7154, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\cgc.dsp (7598, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\cgc.dsw (967, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\cgcmain.c (12576, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\cgstruct.c (3637, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\check.c (22760, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\check.h (2886, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\compile.c (86109, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\compile.h (5508, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\constfold.c (29279, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\constfold.h (4920, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\cpp.c (30297, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\cpp.h (2997, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\errors.h (22920, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\generic_hal.c (16223, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\generic_hal.h (3759, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\hal.c (23658, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\hal.h (8004, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\hslversion.h (2983, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\inline.c (19944, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\inline.h (2894, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\LICENSE (2415, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\License.txt (2413, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\Makefile (565, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\memory.c (6654, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\memory.h (3379, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\parser.c (95990, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\parser.h (1940, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\parser.y (39537, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\ (830, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\printutils.c (41456, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\printutils.h (3304, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\ (1442, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\scanner.c (31825, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\scanner.h (3793, 2002-08-09)
Cg_Compiler_Source2\opensrc\semantic.c (24594, 2002-08-09)
... ...

------------------- RELEASE INFORMATION ------------------- This release builds the Cg compiler (cgc.exe) with the "generic" profile, which does some minimal semantic checks and prints out a tree representation of the code. It can be built either with the included Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 projects and workspace, or with the included Makefile. The release contains a pre-built parser (parser.c and parser.h) built from parser.y with GNU bison. Rebuilding will require GNU bison if you make any changes to parser.y This release contains the front-end to the compiler, plus a 'trivial' back-end (profile) that does some limited checking and outputs a parse tree to stdout. This back-end is almost entirely encapsulted in generic_hal.[ch] hal.[ch] describes the hardware abstraction layer by which profiles communicate with the front-end. To add a new profile, you can use generic_hal.c as a framework/example. A profile must register itself with the HAL by calling RegisterProfile as part of compiler startup. Then, if selected via the appropriate command line argument, the profile will be called to verify various constructs in the source code, deal with connector semantics, and finally, generate code. See generic_hal.c for more details. The directory contains 4 examples:,,, and After building cgc.exe, you can use following command line to compile these: cgc -profile generic This release prints the output to stdout only. Developers can download all the latest Cg-related content from the Cg website at: ------- LICENSE ------- Copyright (c) 2002, NVIDIA Corporation. NVIDIA Corporation("NVIDIA") supplies this software to you in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this NVIDIA software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this NVIDIA software. In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, NVIDIA grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under NVIDIA's copyrights in this original NVIDIA software (the "NVIDIA Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the NVIDIA Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the NVIDIA Software, you must retain the copyright notice of NVIDIA, this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the NVIDIA Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks nor logos of NVIDIA Corporation may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the NVIDIA Software without specific prior written permission from NVIDIA. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses express or implied, are granted by NVIDIA herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the NVIDIA Software may be incorporated. No hardware is licensed hereunder. THE NVIDIA SOFTWARE IS BEING PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ITS USE AND OPERATION EITHER ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH OTHER PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL NVIDIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) OR ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE NVIDIA SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF NVIDIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.


