
上传日期:2013-07-06 21:19:30
上 传 者thinten
说明:  PTP精确时间同步协议的一个实现参考,可用于分布式系统高精度同步
(PTP synchronization protocol of a precise time reference implementation can be used for high-precision synchronization of distributed systems)

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ptpv2d-dev\.svn\tmp\prop-base (0, 2010-09-04)
ptpv2d-dev\.svn\tmp\props (0, 2010-09-04)
ptpv2d-dev\.svn\tmp\text-base (0, 2010-09-04)
ptpv2d-dev\application (0, 2010-09-19)
ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn (0, 2010-11-07)
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ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn\entries (1565, 2010-11-07)
ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn\prop-base (0, 2010-09-19)
ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn\prop-base\ptpv2d.ncb.svn-base (53, 2010-09-19)
ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn\prop-base\ptpv2d.suo.svn-base (53, 2010-09-19)
ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn\props (0, 2010-09-19)
ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn\text-base (0, 2010-09-19)
ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn\text-base\ptpd_v1rc1_COPYRIGHT.txt.svn-base (541, 2010-09-04)
ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn\text-base\ptpd_v1rc1_RELEASE_NOTES.txt.svn-base (6074, 2010-09-04)
ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn\text-base\ptpv2d.ncb.svn-base (17034240, 2010-09-19)
ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn\text-base\ptpv2d.sln.svn-base (882, 2010-09-19)
ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn\text-base\ptpv2d.suo.svn-base (57856, 2010-09-19)
ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn\text-base\ptpv2d.vcproj.svn-base (5162, 2010-09-19)
ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn\tmp (0, 2010-11-07)
ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn\tmp\prop-base (0, 2010-09-04)
ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn\tmp\props (0, 2010-09-04)
ptpv2d-dev\application\.svn\tmp\text-base (0, 2010-09-19)
ptpv2d-dev\application\Debug (0, 2010-11-07)
ptpv2d-dev\application\Debug\arith.obj (39189, 2010-11-07)
ptpv2d-dev\application\Debug\bmc.obj (42349, 2010-11-07)
ptpv2d-dev\application\Debug\BuildLog.htm (22426, 2010-11-07)
ptpv2d-dev\application\Debug\getopt.obj (22003, 2010-09-26)
ptpv2d-dev\application\Debug\ledlib.obj (7045, 2010-09-26)
ptpv2d-dev\application\Debug\msg.obj (145111, 2010-11-07)
ptpv2d-dev\application\Debug\mt.dep (66, 2010-11-07)
... ...

README for ptpv2d This software implements IEEE 1588 and 802.1AS Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) and is a derivative work of the ptpd daemon software. This software is implemented to support IEEE 1588 PTP version 1 and version 2 and also IEEE 802.1AS. For ptpv2d, the source base used to create the this software was the ptpd version v1rc1. That source was licensed as a BSD license under the following license terms: **************************************************************** COPYRIGHT notice for PTPd The following copyright notice applies to all files which compose the PTPd. This notice applies as if the text was explicitly included each file. Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Kendall Correll Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose and without fee, provided that this notice appears in all copies. The authors make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. ************************************************************** For ptpv2d, numerous changes have been done to the ptpd v1rc1 base to try and make the code more clear, clean up and add comments, and also add features with the main purpose of adding IEEE 1588 v2 support and also IEEE 802.1AS (which uses IEEE 1588 v2 messages, algorithms and mechanisms). All of the changes, modifications, enhancements, etc. done to the ptpd base to create ptpv2d are copyrighted by Alan K. Bartky and released under a GNU Public License Version 2.0. under the permission of Alan K. Bartky and SNAP Networks Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore, Karnataka India (whom also retain rights of publication and licensing to the ptpv2d source code base). The original ptpd authors and contributors, Alan K. Bartky and SNAP Networks Pvt. Ltd. make no representations about the suitability of this ptpv2d software for any purpose. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. For general comments or questions, you can email Alan K. Bartky at


