
上传日期:2006-12-02 17:23:19
上 传 者johu85
说明:  crc任意位生成多项式 任意位运算 自适应算法 循环冗余校验码(CRC,Cyclic Redundancy Code)是采用多项式的 编码方式,这种方法把要发送的数据看成是一个多项式的系数 ,数据为bn-1bn-2…b1b0 (其中为0或1),则其对应的多项式为: bn-1Xn-1+bn-2Xn-2+…+b1X+b0 例如:数据“10010101”可以写为多项式 X7+X4+X2+1。 循环冗余校验CRC 循环冗余校验方法的原理如下: (1) 设要发送的数据对应的多项式为P(x)。 (2) 发送方和接收方约定一个生成多项式G(x),设该生成多项式 的最高次幂为r。 (3) 在数据块的末尾添加r个0,则其相对应的多项式为M(x)=XrP(x) 。(左移r位) (4) 用M(x)除以G(x),获得商Q(x)和余式R(x),则 M(x)=Q(x) ×G(x)+R(x)。 (5) 令T(x)=M(x)+R(x),采用模2运算,T(x)所对应的数据是在原数 据块的末尾加上余式所对应的数据得到的。 (6) 发送T(x)所对应的数据。 (7) 设接收端接收到的数据对应的多项式为T’(x),将T’(x)除以G(x) ,若余式为0,则认为没有错误,否则认为有错。
(crc-generating polynomial arbitrary Operators adaptive algorithm Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC. Cyclic Redundancy Code) is the polynomial coder, This way the data to be sent as a polynomial coefficient data bn- 1bn-2 ... b1b0 (0 or 1), corresponding to the polynomial : bn- 1Xn-1 bn- 2Xn-2 ... b1X belts such as : data "10010101" polynomial can be written as a X7 X4 X2. Cyclic Redundancy Check Cyclic Redundancy Check method of principle as follows : (1) The data to be sent to the corresponding polynomial p (x). (2) the sender and the receiver agreed on a generator polynomial G (x), set up the generator polynomial of the highest power of r. (3) In the data block Add to the end of r-0, then the polynomial corresponding to M (x) = XrP (x). (R-bits) (4) M (x) divided by G ()

Project1.exe (987136, 2006-11-25)
Project1.dpr (338, 1987-11-22)
Project1.res (12796, 2006-11-20)
Project1.~dpr (263, 2006-11-20)
Project1.dof (2137, 1987-11-22)
Unit1.dfm (5296, 2006-11-25)
Unit1.pas (11727, 2006-11-25)
Unit1.~ddp (51, 2006-11-25)
Unit1.~dfm (5296, 2006-11-25)
Unit1.~pas (11727, 2006-11-25)
Unit1.dcu (10035, 2006-11-25)
Unit1.ddp (51, 2006-11-25)
Unit2.dfm (176916, 2006-11-25)
Unit2.pas (1041, 2006-11-21)
Unit2.~ddp (51, 2006-11-21)
Unit2.~dfm (176916, 2006-11-21)
Unit2.~pas (1041, 2006-11-21)
Unit2.dcu (4692, 2006-11-21)
Unit2.ddp (51, 2006-11-25)
Unit3.dfm (765700, 1987-11-22)
Unit3.pas (533, 1987-11-22)
Unit3.~dfm (765698, 1987-11-22)
Unit3.~pas (533, 1987-11-22)
Unit3.dcu (3837, 1987-11-22)
iphist.dat (0, 2006-11-29)
Project1.cfg (434, 1987-11-22)


