
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2013-07-15 23:08:34
上 传 者noever1
说明:  bitflow sdk 5.6 ,支持bitflow的所有图像采集卡,完成视频图像的采集工作
(bitflow sdk 5.6, support for all frame grabbers bitflow complete video image acquisition work)

BitFlow SDK 5.60 (0, 2013-07-09)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32 (0, 2013-07-09)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\BFCom.exe (81920, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\BFD.dll (151552, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\BFDX.exe (225280, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\BFDiskIO.dll (61440, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\BFEr.dll (15872, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\BFOS.dll (8192, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\BFS.dll (57344, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\Bid.dll (237568, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\BufferInterface.dll (81920, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\CamEd.exe (471040, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\CamVert.exe (221184, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\CiBench.exe (36864, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\CiSimple.exe (73728, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\CiView.exe (61440, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\Cid.dll (90112, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\DispSurf.dll (53248, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\FWDownload.exe (73728, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\PCIWalk.exe (23040, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\R2Cam.dll (28672, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\R2D.dll (61440, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\R64D.dll (94208, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\R64PortSwitch.exe (36864, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\SysReg.exe (76192, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Bin32\clserbit.dll (69632, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\CLSerial32 (0, 2013-07-09)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\CLSerial32\clallserial.dll (114688, 2012-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Config (0, 2013-07-09)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Config\Anlg (0, 2013-06-24)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Config\Anlg\Synthetic-1024x1024-E1.Anlg (1048, 2007-11-28)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Config\BFDownR64Dev050c00.txt (508, 2013-06-24)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Config\Cam (0, 2013-07-09)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Config\Cam\ (576, 2005-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Config\Cam\ (556, 2005-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Config\Cam\ (441, 2005-06-15)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Config\R64 (0, 2013-07-09)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Config\R64\ANDOR-12000x1080-E5-2X.r64 (694, 2013-05-14)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Config\R64\ANDOR-12000x1096-E5-2X.r64 (694, 2013-05-14)
BitFlow SDK 5.60\Config\R64\Andor-1x10Tap-2x-E10-FreeRun-corrector.r64 (768, 2013-05-14)
... ...

BitFlow, Inc. BitFlow SDK Version 5.600 2011-10-01 Important Information (please put word wrap on to view in your text editor) --- THE BITFLOW SDK --- The BitFlow Software Development Kit (SDK) consists of a kernel driver, Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs), example applications with source code and utilities for all of BitFlow's current camera interface boards. The applications included are quite powerful and can be used "out of the box" to acquire and save images and sequences. The applications can also be used to setup and test cameras, to modify a camera's modes and to create corresponding camera configuration files. However, the real purpose of the SDK is to provide a platform for the customer to quickly and easily build their imaging application. The goal of our Application Programming Interface (API) is make control over the camera, image acquisition, image buffer management and image storage simple and painless. At the same time, the goal is to use as little of the computers resources as possible. BitFlow has gone through enormous efforts to anticipate customer needs and encorpotrate them into this SDK. The boards are accessed through two main APIs: Bi (BufIn) and Ci functions. The BufIn API is a very high level buffer management layer, and works with all boards. The BufIn API is accessible from C, C++ and C#. The Ci API is also board independent and lets an application work with which ever board is plugged into the system, no recompiling is required when the board type changes. There are also two legacy APIs, R2 and R***. These APIs only allow access to their corresponding family, and it is recommended that these functions not be used. Finally there is a low level hardwar access API, BF, which is mainly used for direct control of memory and registers. --- REASONS FOR RELEASE --- This release supports 32-bit applications running on ***-bit Windows. Previously this SDK only support ***-bit applications on ***-bit Windows. The transition from 32-bit application to ***-bit driver is handled at the driver level. Of course, ***-bit applications are support on ***-bit Windows. ***-bit applications are not support on 32-bit Windows. Also, The Road Runner and R3 family are not support on ***-bit Windows. Starting with this release and for all future releases, the Raven frame grabbers are no longer supported. The Rv API has been depreciated. Users of Ravens should not upgrade to this version of the SDK. This release supports call back functions which can be used instead of waiting for a signal in a separate thread. There have also been some bugs fixes. Please see the document "Changes.txt" for a complete list of changes between this and previous releases. This release also includes all the latest camera configuration files and firmware that have been created and updated since the SDK 5.40 release. --- SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS --- This installer detects the type of operating system (32-bit or ***-bit) and installs the correct version of the binary components. There are no differences in the API between 32-bit and ***-bit OSs. Supported 32-bit operating systems: Windows XP Windows Server 2003/2008 Windows XP Embedded Windows Vista Window 7 Supported ***-bit operating systems: Windows XP Windows Server 2003/2008 Windows XP Embedded Windows Vista Windows 7 This release requires a Pentium or higher based PCI computer running running one of the operating systems above. The BitFlow SDK can work with a minimal configuration: 512 megabytes of RAM. However, 2 gigabytes of RAM is recommended for application development and/or working with large image formats. The SDK only requires approximately 50 megabytes of hard disk space to install. Finally, one or more BitFlow camera interface boards are required. NOTE: the memory requirements for the target PC do not take into account allocation that may be needed to acquire very large images. Please make sure that your system has enough RAM to hold your target size image. NOTE: BitFlow's camera interface products will run on almost any PC currently manufactured. However, PCI and PCI Express data throughput varies greatly from PC to PC. BitFlow has engineered these products to run at the maximum possible data rate that your PC is capable. However, it is possible to purchase a PC that is not capable of sustaining the data rate of some high speed cameras. Please contact BitFlow about system performance issues and recommended computers for certain applications. Because PCI/PCIe data throughput is complex issue, controlled mostly by motherboard components and layout, BitFlow cannot guarantee data rates of their products on all platforms. --- BEFORE YOU INSTALL THIS SOFTWARE --- BitFlow recommends installing the SDK before installing any of the BitFlow boards. Performing the installation in this order will simplify installing the hardware as the New Hardware Found Wizard will already know about the BitFlow boards and driver. In order to install this software, the account that you use to log in must have Administrative Privileges. Only accounts with these privileges can install drivers and write to the registry. This installation performs both of these operations. If you have a previous release of the the BitFlow SDK on your machine it is you must un-install it before installing this release. The un-install process may remove files from your hard disk that you have modified and still need. You should, therefore, make backup copies of any these files that you will need with this new release. For example, if you have customized a camera configuration file and have not changed the name of the file, you should copy this file to a temporary directory so that the uninstall process does not remove it from your hard disk. --- INSTALLATION OF THE BITFLOW SDK --- To install this software run the installation executable from the BitFlow SDK CD-ROM or from the downloaded executable. When the CD-ROM is inserted, an application should auto-run that will provide access to the SDK setup. There are two different packages that can be installed. Package One is the full SDK for use in developing your own application. Package two is a binary only install, for use with third party image process packages or for deployment of your application. If you have purchased the SDK you will receive a Serial Number. Enter the Serial Number when prompted by the installer and the full SDK will be installed. If you do not have a Serial Number, then enter the number 0 when prompted, in this case only the binary components will be installed. The rest of the installation program is self explanatory. You may need to reboot your computer after installing the SDK. If this is the case, you will be prompted. --- AFTER YOU HAVE INSTALLED THIS SOFTWARE --- After the SDK and the hardware is installed, run the SysReg program. Highlight a board in the Boards list and Press the Configure button and choose a default camera configuration file that matches your camera. Finally, run the CiView. This applications allow you to view video from your camera and confirm that the board is running. --- CAMERA CONFIGURATION FILE COMPATIBILITY --- Each family of BitFlow boards has its own camera configuration file format. The formats are as follows: The Alta - this family uses files with the extension "anlg" The R***/Karbon/Neon - this family uses files with the extension ".r***". All models of R*** use this camera configuration file format. The Road Runner/R3 Camera Link models - this family uses files with the extension ".rcl". The Road Runner/R3 Differential models - this family uses files with the extension ".cam". There is a camera configuration cross reference located in the file "BitFlow SDK X.XX\Docs\Camera File List.txt". --- SDK COMPONENTS --- Please see the file "components.txt" for a complete list of all installed components. --- ENVIRONMENT --- In order to run the BitFlow SDK applications, the location of DLLs must be included as part of the operating system's PATH environment. Run the System application in Control Panel to add the location of the BitFlow SDK DLLs (e.g. "C:\BitFlow SDK X.XX\bin") to your path. Normally this is already set by the installer. --- BUILDING EXAMPLES AND APPLICATIONS WITH MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO --- All of the examples are shipped with project files (ending with ".vcproj") for use with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or above. To open a project file start the Microsoft Visual Studio. Run the "File > Open Project/Solution" command. The Open Project dialog will pop up. Use the file browser to select the required ".vcproj" file. The Developer Studio will automatically create a solution for this project, which can then be used to build the project. Once the project is opened select the "Build > Build Solution" command to build the executable file. NOTE: you will have to modify the search directories in the Visual Studio so that the compiler can find the include files ("BitFlow SDK X.XX\include") and the libraries ("BitFlow SDK X.XX\lib"), you only have to do this once. Use the Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > VC++ Directories command to set these paths. This SDK also includes Visual Studio solutions which can be used to build all of the example files. In VS2005 open the solution "\BitFlow SDK X.XX\Examples\BitflowExamples.sln". For VS2008\VS2010 open "\BitFlow SDK X.XX\Examples\BitflowExamplesVS08.sln". These solutions let you build, modify and test all of the BitFlow examples. This solution is a nice way to start learning how to use the BitFlow SDK. --- DEBUGGING INTO THE DLLs --- Two versions of the file DLLs have been provided with this release: one for runtime (located in "BitFlow SDK X.XX\bin" and a copy in "BitFlow SDK X.XX\bin\Release"), and one for debugging ("BitFlow SDK X.XX\bin\Debug"). To debug into this file, copy the files in "BitFlow SDK X.XX\bin\Debug" into the bin directory "BitFlow SDK X.XX\bin". The debugging information is contained in the "*.pdb" also in this directory. You can then use the Microsoft Visual Studio to step into the functions contained in this file. When the debugger asks for the location of the source files, point it to the directory "BitFlow SDK X.XX\source". You can then step through all of the functions in this DLL. Stepping into source code using this technique is only support with the latest version (at the time of release) of Microsoft's development environment. --- USING OTHER COMPILERS AND ENVIRONMENTS --- BitFlow does not directly support compilers other than those available from Microsoft or environments other than those based on the C/C++ language. However, all of the functionality of the BitFlow SDK is available in our WIN32 compliant DLLs and can be called from any application or language. Our API is completely exposed in the included header files. Other C compilers should be able to link with our libraries (".lib" files) but these compilers need to understand that we are providing Microsoft Format libraries. --- REDISTRIBUTION --- Please see the SDK license agreement ("\BitFlow SDK X.XX\Docs\SDKLicense.txt") to understand which components of the SDK can be redistributed with your application and which can not. In order to make this process easier, the installer can be used to automatically install just the redistributable components of the SDK. This is done by giving the installer the serial number 0. Also, when the installer is running in silent mode (see below for more information) only the redistributable components of the SDK are installed. --- SILENT MODE INSTALLATION --- The installer and uninstaller can be run in silent mode. The silent installer, by default, will only install the binary components. In other words, will install the same components that are installed when the regular installer is run with the serial number 0. To run the installer in silent mode, add the "/S" parameter on the command line. For example: BitFlowSDk560.exe /S Note that this may display a dialog at the end of the installation which tell the user they must reboot the computer before they can use the BitFlow driver. If you do not want this dialog to be displayed, you can use the NOREBOOTMSG parameter. The syntax is: BitFlowSDk560.exe /S /NOREBOOTMSG Note that in either case the system must may still need to be rebooted before the BitFlow drivers can be used. To run the installer in silent mode, again use the "/S" parameter. For example: C:\WINDOWS\SDK\uninstall.exe /U:"C:\BitFlow SDK X.XX\Uninstall\irunin.xml" /S The executable "uninstall.exe" is the uninstaller program and is copied into the windows folder when the installer is first run. The silent mode installer can also optionally take an "*.inf" file, which can be used to provide further customization. The command line looks like this: BitflowSDK560 /S:c:\temp\settings.inf The /S command tells the installer to run in silent mode. The file (including full path) after the /S: (no spaces) is the settings file. Two example settings file are attached. The format for the settings file is: [SetupValues] %AppFolder%=D:\BitFlow SDK 5.60 %Shortcuts%=Yes %ForceWOW***%=Yes The first line "[SetupValues]" is required. This tells the installer that the setup values are in the following section. The setup values are as follows (order is not important, all fields are optional): %AppFolder% is the destination folder for the SDK. This folder will be the BitFlow root folder, other folders will be installed below this folder. If this parameter is not provided, then the default, "C:\BitFlow SDK X.XX" will be used. %Shortcuts% is a command that tells the installer to install the two desktop shortcuts. If this varaiable is set to "Yes" then the shortcuts "CiView" and "SysReg" will be installed. %ForceWOW***% controls how installer handles installing 32-bit DLLs on ***-bit Windows. If this variable is set to "Yes" then the 32-bit binaries will be installed on ***-bit Windows. --- SETTING DEFAULT CAMERA CONFIGURATION FILE --- In general, the camera configuration file is set by the utility SysReg. However, in some cases OEM customers would like the ability to set the camera file without their users having to run SysReg. This can be done by using the function CiBrdOpenCam() or BiBrdOpenCam(). However, there are certain situations where these function can not be used, for example, when a 3rd party image processing application is opening the board. The solution is to set the default camera file in the registry. The default camera file can be set, even no boards have yet been installed in the system. In fact, it can be set even before the BitFlow SDK has been installed. The default camera file can be set by any program, it does not have to be one linked to the BitFlow libraries. The ideas it that the OEMs installer can set the default camera file directly, without having to worry about when the BitFlow driver is started and/or when boards will be put in the system. The methodology on how the driver selects the camera files is as follows: 1. If CiBrdOpenCam() or BiBrdOpenCam() are called, then the camera file passed in is used. 2. If any other board open function is called, then the camera file(s) set by SysReg is used. 3. If there is no camera file set by SysReg, then default camera file is used. The default camera file must be put in the following location in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BitFlow This location can be created if it does not already exist. At the location, one of the following string values must created "DefaultCamFile" - For Road Runner/R3 Differential boards "DefaultRclFile" - For Road Runner/R3 Camera Link boards "DefaultR***File" - For R***/Karbon/Neon boards "DefaultAnlgFile" - For Alta-AN boards "DefaultCompFile" - For Alta-CO boards Whichever string value corresponds to the board family being installed should be created. More than one value can be created if needed. Set data for the string value to the camera file name, including the extension. For example, to set the default camera file for any R***/Karbon/Neon the following string value should be created: Value name: DefaultR***File Value data: Generic-Synthetic-512x512-1T.r*** Of course, the Value data above should be replaced with the correct camera file for the given application. --- KNOWN BUGS --- --- CUSTOMER SUPPORT --- For technical problem contact BitFlow Customer Support at phone: 781-932-2900, fax: 781-933-9965, email:, web: Please send bug reports, comments and suggestions by email or fax.


