
上传日期:2013-07-29 22:13:24
上 传 者rongfeng
说明:  Canorus是一款跨平台的乐谱编辑器。它可以自己定制乐曲的长度,声部,可以用MIDI来进行乐谱回放,并且支持MIDI, MusicXML, ABC Music, MusiXTeX和LilyPond等格式。
(Canorus is a free cross-platform music score editor. It supports an unlimited number and length of staffs, polyphony, a MIDI playback of notes, chord markings, lyrics, import/export filters to formats like MIDI, MusicXML, ABC Music, MusiXTeX and LilyPond)

canorus-0.7.1rc1 (0, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\VERSION (9, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\DEVELOPERS (1608, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\.externalToolBuilders (0, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\.externalToolBuilders\.svn (0, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\.externalToolBuilders\.svn\props (0, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\.externalToolBuilders\.svn\tmp (0, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\.externalToolBuilders\.svn\tmp\props (0, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\.externalToolBuilders\.svn\tmp\text-base (0, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\.externalToolBuilders\.svn\tmp\prop-base (0, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\.externalToolBuilders\.svn\text-base (0, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\.externalToolBuilders\.svn\text-base\custom_cmake.launch.svn-base (913, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\.externalToolBuilders\.svn\prop-base (0, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\.externalToolBuilders\.svn\all-wcprops (254, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\.externalToolBuilders\.svn\entries (414, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\.externalToolBuilders\custom_cmake.launch (913, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\CMakeLists.txt (3728, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc (0, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\user (0, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\user\keyboard.txt (669, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide (0, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\en.qhcp (705, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\images (0, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\images\editmode.png (2772, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\images\playback.png (3494, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\images\insertplayable.png (3793, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\images\insertstaff.png (3392, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\images\printpreview.png (3113, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\images\canorushelpicon.png (3675, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\images\insertvoice.png (8186, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\images\canorus.png (42820, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\images\mainwin-en.png (33324, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\de.qhp (1452, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\de.lyx (5997, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\ (3073, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\sl.lyx (6195, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\nb.lyx (6440, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\template.qhcp (711, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\nb.qhp (1480, 2013-04-21)
canorus-0.7.1rc1\doc\usersguide\en.qhp (1452, 2013-04-21)
... ...

Canorus - a free music score editor =================================== Canorus is a free music score editor. It supports note writing, scripting support, import/export of various file formats, MIDI input and output and more! Note that Canorus is still in heavy stage of development and not all the features are implemented yet! Canorus is free (libre) software, licensed under GNU GPL. This means that the program source code is available to public, anyone is welcome to research how the program works, participate in its development, freely distribute the program and spread the word! Canorus runs on Linux, Windows, MacOSX and others! Build dependencies: =================== The latest version of Qt4, Swig and CMake is prefered. - Qt development package >=4.4 ( - Swig >=2 ( - g++ >=4, make (, - cmake >=2.6.2 ( - Python development package >=2.5 ( - (optional) Lyx, tex4ht (user's guide) Runtime dependencies: ===================== - Qt library, same version - Python library, same version - On Windows, Mingw library, same version Compilation: ============ 1. (Optional) Compile User's guide: $ cd doc/usersguide $ make You need latex and other tools installed (see doc/Readme-doc.txt for details). You can skip this step, but the User's guide won't be launched using Help->User's Guide action then. 2. Go to Canorus root directory and run: $ cmake . $ make $ src/canorus(.exe) To create a release build without debug info, run: $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release Note that this also causes QT_NO_DEBUG to be defined. Installation ============ $ make install Debian based distributions: =========================== Download the SVN/release version of canorus, go to Canorus root directory and run: $ debian/rules binary Install the created .deb package. Troubleshooting: ================ If you get the following error (could be only the last line!): QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE set to qmake version: QTVERSION = **Unknown** QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE = /usr/bin/qmake, please set to path to qmake from qt4. Qt qmake not found! Then you have to run cmake with the following switch: $ cmake -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE="/usr/lib/qt4/bin/qmake" (replace the path to fit your needs). IMPORTANT: Do not run cmake again before removing the cache files CMakeCache.txt and the directory CMakeFiles! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you get the error "swig not found" then you have the problem that FindSWIG.cmake does not match your system configuration. On my system swig files are in /usr/share/swig2.x.y, so I needed to create a link to it from swig2.x: $ ln -s /usr/share/swig2.x.y /usr/share/swig2.x Replace 2.x.y with the real version f.e. 2.0.4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you get the following error: "libpython.a: undefined reference to openpty" your system requires the util library to be included to the Canorus link libaries. To do this edit src/CMakeFile.txt file and search for the line containing TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES. Add " util" as last library to the line f.e. like this: TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(canorus ${QT_LIBRARIES} ${QT_QTXML_LIBRARY} ${RUBY_LIBRARY} ${PYTHON_LIBRARY} util) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To disable Ruby/Python support even when installed call cmake with these options: $ cmake -DNO_RUBY=1 -DNO_PYTHON=1 I hope that the NO_DEFAULT_PATH options gets added to newer cmake releases :) Settings ======== Settings are stored in $HOME/.config/Canorus directory under POSIX systems and under Local settings directory in your user profile directory under Microsoft Windows. Windows users ============= See windows/Readme.txt for details about building Canorus under Microsoft Windows. Mac OS X users ============== Check macosx/ directory and run Make.


