
上传日期:2013-07-30 15:03:44
上 传 者池然
说明:  根据模板文件抽取搜索引擎页面的相关结果 gettext是入口函数
(According to the template file extract the various search engine results pages)

Baidu (1530, 2013-07-30)
Bing (3038, 2013-07-30) (25623, 2013-07-30) (2499, 2013-07-30)
htmlparser1_6 (0, 2006-06-10)
htmlparser1_6\bin (0, 2006-06-10)
htmlparser1_6\bin\beanybaby (1653, 2004-01-03)
htmlparser1_6\bin\beanybaby.cmd (1829, 2006-04-17)
htmlparser1_6\bin\filterbuilder (1316, 2005-02-13)
htmlparser1_6\bin\filterbuilder.cmd (2078, 2006-04-17)
htmlparser1_6\bin\lexer (1646, 2003-09-22)
htmlparser1_6\bin\lexer.cmd (1816, 2006-04-17)
htmlparser1_6\bin\linkextractor (1670, 2003-12-30)
htmlparser1_6\bin\linkextractor.cmd (1850, 2006-04-17)
htmlparser1_6\bin\parser (1644, 2003-10-25)
htmlparser1_6\bin\parser.cmd (1817, 2006-04-17)
htmlparser1_6\bin\sitecapturer (1669, 2005-04-10)
htmlparser1_6\bin\sitecapturer.cmd (1851, 2006-04-17)
htmlparser1_6\bin\stringextractor (1672, 2004-01-03)
htmlparser1_6\bin\stringextractor.cmd (1854, 2006-04-17)
htmlparser1_6\bin\thumbelina (1305, 2005-02-13)
htmlparser1_6\bin\thumbelina.cmd (2051, 2006-04-17)
htmlparser1_6\bin\translate (1652, 2004-02-08)
htmlparser1_6\bin\translate.cmd (1828, 2006-04-17)
htmlparser1_6\docs (0, 2006-06-10)
htmlparser1_6\docs\articles (0, 2006-06-10)
htmlparser1_6\docs\articles\index.html (464, 2004-01-03)
htmlparser1_6\docs\articles\quest.html (3632, 2004-01-03)
htmlparser1_6\docs\bug.html (1400, 2006-03-19)
htmlparser1_6\docs\changes.txt (56880, 2006-06-10)
htmlparser1_6\docs\contributors.html (20917, 2006-03-19)
htmlparser1_6\docs\faq.html (15654, 2006-06-10)
htmlparser1_6\docs\htmlparser.jpg (10072, 2004-05-31)
htmlparser1_6\docs\htmlparserlogo.jpg (4405, 2004-05-31)
htmlparser1_6\docs\index.html (806, 2004-06-02)
htmlparser1_6\docs\javadoc (0, 2006-06-10)
htmlparser1_6\docs\javadoc\allclasses-frame.html (21457, 2006-06-10)
htmlparser1_6\docs\javadoc\allclasses-noframe.html (18477, 2006-06-10)
htmlparser1_6\docs\javadoc\constant-values.html (34233, 2006-06-10)
htmlparser1_6\docs\javadoc\deprecated-list.html (5558, 2006-06-10)
... ...

HTMLParser Version 1.6 (Release Build Jun 10, 2006) ********************************************* Contents of the distribution ---------------------------- (i) jar files - lib directory HTML Parser jars: htmlparser.jar, htmllexer.jar, thumbelina.jar and filterbuilder.jar. Also thirdparty jar files sax2.jar and junit.jar. (ii) source code - Also contains necessary resources, and build file. Unzip this and you should be all set to build the parser from its source. You would need Jakarta Ant installed. (iii) documentation - docs directory (includes javadocs) Point your browser at index.html in the docs directory. (iv) executing scripts - bin directory Batch/script files assume that Java is visible in your path. Most require Java 1.2 (or upwards), except for lexer. (v) license.txt (GNU Lesser General Public License) (vi) this file, readme.txt Changes since Version 1.5 ------------------------- New Functionality ----------------- Support has been added for commonly requested composite tags, P and H1-H6. Definition list tags (dl, dt, dd), are also now included in the standard set of tags recognized by the parser. The FilterBean now has a 'recursive' property to control descent through children when applying filters. The NodeList class is a little more standard now with a remove(node) method. The Node interface has been augmented with get first/last child and get previous/next sibling methods to ease traversing the HTML document. The TextNode class has an added isWhiteSpace method that returns true when it contains no printable characters. NodeTreeWalker, a utility class to traverse a tree of Node objects using either depth-first or breadth-first tree order has been added. An XorFilter has been added to round out our NOT, AND and OR filters, along with new constructors to OrFilter/AndFilter that take an array of NodeFilter's. Deflate encoding is now handled correctly and there is now an option to have the ConnectionManager follow redirections manually so that cookie processing can occur between redirections. There is a new override for toHtml() that avoids issuing generated end tags. Refactoring ----------- Some refactoring to allow the htmllexer jar file to be compiled by gcj. Moved non-JUnit test code to Request For Enhancement (RFE) as attachments, so all the code in the tests package should now compile. Removed all deprecated classes and methods. Bug Fixes --------- #1496863 StringBean collapse() adds extra whitespace #1488951 RemarkNode.toPlainTextString() incorrect behaviour #1467712 Page#getCharset never works #1461473 Relative links starting with ? #1457371 Script tag consumes too much from document being parsed #1445795 return as TextNode when processing jsp #1445309 XML processing instructions are returned as text #1376851 Null-valued cookies cause exception #1375230 some javascript breaks stringbean #1345049 HTMLParser should not terminate a comment with ---> #1344687 A bug when set cookies #1334408 Exception occurs based on string length #1322686 when illegal charset specified #1227213 Particular SCRIPT tags close too late Patches ------- #1436082 Follow redirections with cookie processing #1338534 Support get first/last child, previous/next sibling Requests For Enhancements ------------ #1394144 handle deflate encoding Changes since Version 1.4 ------------------------- New APIs Implement rudimentary sax parser. Currently exposes DOM parser via sax project A new http package is added, the primary class being Connectionmanager which handles proxies, passwords and cookies. Some testing still needed. Also removed some line separator cruft. Added parseCDATA to the Lexer, used in script and style scanners. Note that this is significantly new behaviour that now adheres to appendix B.3.2 Specifying non-HTML data of the HTML reference: Configuration Management Removed the need for the Translate class to be packaged with htmllexer.jar. This results in a lighter weight component. Updated the logo and included the LGPL license. Fixed the Windows batch files. Added optional "classes" property to build.xml. This directory is where class files are put. It defaults to src. To use: ant -Dclasses=classdir where classdir is/will-be a peer directory to src. Fixed various end user experience issues. Refactoring Added static STRICT flag to ScriptScanner to revert to legacy handling of broken ETAGO (

