
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-12-08 01:04:47
上 传 者sunxiaodian
说明:  This collection of C++ templates wraps the FORTRAN or C interfaces for LAPACK so that they integrate with the Boost uBLAS library. Currently implements Cholesky decomposition, LU decomposition, inversion and determinant for general and positive-definite matrices.
(This collection of templates wraps the C FOR RTRAN or C interfaces for LAPACK so that they int egrate with the Boost uBLAS library. Currently implements Cholesky decomposition. LU decomposition. inversion and determinant for general and posi tive- definite matrices.)

ulapack (0, 2005-05-02)
ulapack\cholesky.hpp (7920, 2005-04-15)
ulapack\demos (0, 2005-05-02)
ulapack\demos\kalman.cpp (733, 2005-04-15)
ulapack\demos\kalman.hpp (281, 2005-04-15)
ulapack\demos\matrix_types.hpp (606, 2005-04-15)
ulapack\demos\random_matrix.cpp (605, 2005-04-15)
ulapack\demos\random_matrix.hpp (95, 2005-04-15)
ulapack\demos\sampling.cpp (1721, 2005-04-15)
ulapack\demos\sampling.hpp (606, 2005-04-15)
ulapack\doc (0, 2005-05-02)
ulapack\doc\ulapack-version1.0.pdf (107201, 2005-04-16)
ulapack\errormacros.hpp (602, 2005-04-15)
ulapack\lapack_exception.hpp (1837, 2005-04-29)
ulapack\lufactor.hpp (7842, 2005-04-16)
ulapack\printmatrix.hpp (461, 2005-04-13)
ulapack\scalar_fill.hpp (2092, 2005-04-06)
ulapack\symmetry.hpp (1397, 2005-04-13)
ulapack\test_cholesky.cpp (1716, 2005-04-15)
ulapack\test_lu.cpp (1395, 2005-04-16)

To use this library with MS Visual C++, you need to have uBLAS and CLAPACK installed. You download uBLAS with Boost. You can get a Win32 version of CLAPACK from Netlib: CLAPACK3-Windows.zip Having installed the appropriate libraries, set up your MSVC project properties to use them. Using uBLAS with MSVC 7 ----------------------- In Project Properties: 1. C/C++, General, Additional Include Directories - boost base directory (eg, C:/mylibs/boost_1_32_0/) Using CLAPACK with MSVC 7 ------------------------- In Project Properties: 1. Add Additional dependencies: clapack.lib 2. Other things maybe (if compile/link fails): - RTTI on - multithreaded DLL runtime library


