
上传日期:2013-08-03 06:44:12
上 传 者jetstar
说明:  Adobe Creative Suite applications can be modified to display custom metadata UI. The Custom File Info SDK provides documentation and samples on how to create a custom Flex based metadata UI. It also includes instructions on creating an XML file for displaying a simple set of custom properties. CS6 Version.

XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6 (0, 2012-02-27)
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XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\docs\API\com (0, 2012-02-27)
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XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\docs\API\com\adobe\xmp\components (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\docs\API\com\adobe\xmp\events (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\docs\API\com\adobe\xmp\manifest (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\docs\API\com\adobe\xmp\utils (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\docs\API\images (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\BasicControlSample (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\BasicControlSample\build (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\BasicControlSample\libs (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\BasicControlSample\src (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\BasicControlSample\src\examples (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\BasicControlSample\src\examples\panels (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\BasicControlSample\styles (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\BasicControlSample\target (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\BasicControlSample\target\BasicControlSamplePanel (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\BasicControlSample\target\BasicControlSamplePanel\loc (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\BasicControlSample\target\BasicControlSamplePanel\resources (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\FlashFlex (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\FlashFlex\build (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\FlashFlex\libs (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\FlashFlex\src (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\FlashFlex\src\examples (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\FlashFlex\src\examples\panels (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\FlashFlex\src\examples\panels\components (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\FlashFlex\styles (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\FlashFlex\target (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\FlashFlex\target\FlashFlexPanel (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\Language (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\Language\build (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\Language\libs (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\Language\src (0, 2012-02-27)
XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6\samples\panels-src\Language\src\examples (0, 2012-02-27)
... ...

ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED Copyright 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved. NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior written permission of Adobe. Readme file for the XMP FileInfo Software Developer's Kit (SDK) --------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTES: 1) Panels are backward compatible: CS4 panels work in CS5.x; CS4 and CS5.x panels work in CS6. 2) There has been a restriction in back-compatibility between CS4 and CS5 custom panels, that has later been fixed in an update and is also fixed in CS6. 3) The Generic Panel's schema files are fully compatible from CS4 to CS6. 4) For panels that have been made for CS3 or earlier, the EvePanelConverter-tool can be used to convert them into MXML --------------------------------------------------------------- The download directory contains these folders: * tools/ * samples/ * docs/ ---------------------------------------------------------- The tools/ folder contains a Jar-file that contains a converter for pre-CS4 panels and an Eclipse plug-in for Flash Builder 4.x: * EvePanelConverter/ - this is a java tool to convert pre CS3 panels to the current MXML format. Please find a readme.txt inside for more details. * com.adobe.xmp.sdk.fileinfo_fb4x_1.2.0.jar Important: You must have the ANT plug-in installed in your Eclipse or Flash Builder environment (this is included in Flash Builder 4.5 or newer). 1) Place the Jar file in your eclipse/plugins/ folder or Flash Builder plugins/ folder. 2) Start up Eclipse or Flash Builder 3) Go to File > New > Project ... 4) Expand XMP and choose Custom Panel Wizard 5) Complete the Wizard steps to create a new Project. 6) Edit the build/build.properties file to update the location of the FileInfo SDK to reflect your installation, if needed. 7) Update the project's MXML file so the defaults.css stylesheet points to your installation of the FileInfo SDK, if needed. The Wizard creates a project with the standard folders .settings, bin-debug, html-template, libs, and these folders that are specific to Custom Panel: * build/ - Contains build.xml and properties used for building the custom panel. With ANT installed, you can run the build.xml directly from this location to build the custom panel and export the code to the Application Data folder for your platform. In Windows XP, for example, this is: C:\Document and Settings\\Application Data\Adobe\XMP\Custom File Info Panels\4.0\panels directory * src/ - The file .mxml provides a testing environment within Eclipse that, when run, displays a FileInfo dialog with the included panel as discussed below. * src//Panel.mxml - This is the actual custom panel that will be built, exported and published in the File info dialog in an Adobe CS6 application. When the wizard is complete, it adds some starter code that creates a basic panel with one form entry. * Styles/ - Contains a CSS file that helps to display the File Info dialog within the Eclipse environment for development purposes. * target/ - Contains the custom-panel files that will be copied to the destination folder. ** Everything under the Panel/ folder is included in the export of this custom panel. The manifest should remain in this folder. Any changes should be implemented in this file and NOT after the panel has been exported to the File Info destination folder. ** The loc/ folder can contain a number of localization files that are included in the export. In these too, any changes should be made here, not after export. ** The bin/ folder contains the compiled SWF file, after project is built. To build the panel: * Run the build.xml file --or-- * Highlight the root of the project, right click, choose XMP > Publish Custom Panel You can run a CS6 application that supports File Info to see the new panel added to the File Info dialog. ---------------------------------------------------------- The samples/ folder contains two folders; panels/ and src/. The panels/ folder contains four sample panels that can be added directly to the Application Data locations for your platform. In Windows XP, for example, this is: C:\Document and Settings\\Application Data\Adobe\XMP\Custom File Info Panels\4.0\panels The source/ folder contains the Eclipse projects that were used to implement the four panels. You can import these into your workspace once you have installed the Custom Panel and FlashBuilder plug-ins. * BasicControlSamplePanel This contains the manifest.xml, SWF and locale files for the BasicControlSamplePanel that demonstrates the main components available in FileInfo for Custom Panels. * LanguagePanel The language panel contains two datagrids that allows the user to update and add new localization for the title field. To make changes in the title field, highlight the field in the upper datagrid and click 'Update Selected'. If you do not update correctly, any changes you make are discarded. * YahooSearchSamplePanel This sample accesses the Yahoo search mechanism. Use the search bar to enter a word or phrase you would like to associate as a keyword for a selected image. Click search to populate the lower datagrid with results returned by Yahoo. Click an entry and drag it to the upper datagrid, then click "Update Selected". The new entry is added to the keyword field for the image. * FlashFlexPanel This sample demonstrates how to embed SWF files developed in Flash, and shows how Flex and Flash can communicate using LocalConnection. It includes a Flash control that uses a slider, similar to the XMPRating component. Update the rating value and click the button in the embedded SWF to send a message to the custom panel, saving the updated rating value to the XMP packet. Other items in the panel demonstrate creating other custom components with Flex. * A combobox is populated with the Adobe-supported locales. * A menubar divides the available locales alphabetically. ---------------------------------------------------------- The docs/ folder contains the SDK documentation * XMP FileInfo SDK.pdf - A user's guide that helps you get started with the SDK and samples. * ***oc/index.html - The home page of the API reference documentation for FileInfo ----------------------------------------------------------


