
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2013-08-03 10:43:19
上 传 者563764662
说明:  Matlab Simulation FilesMatlab Simulation Files
(Matlab Simulation Files)

Matlab Simulation Files\bake_distributions.m (9916, 2011-05-17)
Matlab Simulation Files\centerOfMass.m (299, 2011-05-10)
Matlab Simulation Files\colorBalance.m (1928, 2011-06-02)
Matlab Simulation Files\depth2skin.m (772, 2011-04-27)
Matlab Simulation Files\getFileList.m (345, 2011-03-02)
Matlab Simulation Files\getOrientation.m (467, 2011-05-11)
Matlab Simulation Files\hand_estimation.m (4244, 2011-06-05)
Matlab Simulation Files\parameter_estimation.m (1684, 2011-06-01)
Matlab Simulation Files\radialSignature.m (636, 2011-06-05)
Matlab Simulation Files\rgb2skin.m (799, 2011-05-17)
Matlab Simulation Files\saveSVMModel.m (2084, 2011-05-23)
Matlab Simulation Files\save_distributions.m (904, 2011-05-18)
Matlab Simulation Files\skinEstimator.m (1442, 2011-04-27)
Matlab Simulation Files\surfSignature.m (815, 2011-06-02)
Matlab Simulation Files\train_and_estimate.m (4461, 2011-06-05)
Matlab Simulation Files (0, 2012-09-13)

bake_distributions.m - calculates p(rgb|skin) and p(rgb|!skin) using a Mixture of Gaussians model with pre-trained parameters. hand_estimation.m - Looks in the specified directories for rgb and depth files, then estimates the hand pixel locations for each rgb/depth file pair. Saves estimate in specified directory. Can also set flags to display results of intermediate steps. train_and_estimate.m - Trains and tests estimates using the feature set specified (radial signature, raw pixels, or modified SURF). Also generates sample graphs. saveSVMModel.m - Saves the model generated by train_and_estimate into a form readable by the DLL that we compile in the separate attached code. parameter_estimation.m - Estimates relevant parameters using counts. Option to save these parameters for future use by the DLL. ** Email if you have any questions.


