
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2013-08-05 17:47:57
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说明:  Visual C++2008guide 一书对应工程代码
(Visual C++2008guide corresponding book project code )

Code from the book\Ch16\CLRSketcher\TraceIt.txt (0, 2008-01-26)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_04\Box.h (529, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_03\Box.h (544, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_06\Box.h (700, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_07\Box.h (706, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_08\Box.h (706, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_09\Box.h (706, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_15\Box.h (778, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_10\Box.h (789, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_11\Box.h (789, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_14\Box.h (789, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_21\Box.h (789, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_05\Box.h (797, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch8\Ex8_08\Box.h (850, 2005-10-05)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_12\Box.h (872, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_13\Box.h (872, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch8\Ex8_08\BoxOperators.h (737, 2005-10-05)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_10\Can.h (523, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_11\Can.h (523, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_12\Can.h (566, 2005-11-11)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_01\CandyBox.h (419, 2007-08-15)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_02\CandyBox.h (426, 2007-08-15)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_03\CandyBox.h (996, 2007-08-15)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_04\CandyBox.h (1216, 2007-08-15)
Code from the book\Ch9\Ex9_05\CandyBox.h (1727, 2007-08-15)
Code from the book\Ch13\Sketcher\ChildFrm.h (537, 2005-10-05)
Code from the book\Ch14\Sketcher\ChildFrm.h (537, 2005-10-05)
Code from the book\Ch15\Sketcher\ChildFrm.h (537, 2005-10-05)
Code from the book\Ch16\Sketcher\ChildFrm.h (537, 2005-10-05)
Solutions to exercises\Ch16\Ch16 Soln 1\ChildFrm.h (537, 2005-10-05)
Solutions to exercises\Ch16\Ch16 Soln 2\ChildFrm.h (537, 2005-10-05)
Solutions to exercises\Ch16\Ch16 Soln 3\ChildFrm.h (537, 2005-10-05)
Solutions to exercises\Ch15\Ch15 Soln 1 to 6\ChildFrm.h (538, 2008-01-25)
Solutions to exercises\Ch14\Ch14 soln1 to 4\ChildFrm.h (539, 2008-01-19)
Code from the book\Ch17\Sketcher with scale list box\ChildFrm.h (663, 2005-10-07)
... ...

The code for the examples in the text is in the "Code from the book" subfolder and the code for each chapter is in a subfolder identifying the chapter number. Where an example involves several source files, all source files are in a spearate subfolder indentified by the execercise number. The Ch1 subfolder is empty because there are no examples of consequence in Chapter 1. The "Solutions to exercises" subfolder contains the solutions to the exercises organized by chapter. Generally there is not a unique solution to a given programming problem so if your solution to an exercise differs from what is here, this does not mean it is incorrect. It may even be a better solution! Because Visual C++ project files contain path specific information, I have not included my project files in the code - just the source code and resource files. To make use of the code for MFC and Forms examples to create an executable program you will need to create a suitable project and replace source files that have the same name with those here, and add the remaining source files to the project. I have not provided code for solutions to the Chapter 23 exercises as virtually all of the code is generated by Visual C++ so the Ch23 folder is empty. There are no exercises for Chapter 1 so thye Ch1 folder is also empty. I recommend that you only use these files as a last resort. You will learn a great deal more by overcoming any problems that arise yourself. A great deal of the time programming is about trying to figure out where your mistakes are. You have to enjoy doing this and you need to be persistent to be a successful programmer. Have fun. Ivor Horton


