
上传日期:2006-12-09 21:21:16
上 传 者JAKE2007
说明:  利用FPGA实现浮点运算的verilog代码 希望能够给需要做这方面研究的同仁有所帮助
(use FPGA floating-point operations verilog code hope to be able to do this to the need for research in the Tongren help)

fpu\fpu.pdf (48166, 2005-02-13)
fpu\浮点运算简介.htm (23252, 2005-07-24)
fpu\fcmp\fcmp.v (6578, 2005-02-13)
fpu\fcmp\test_top.v (7474, 2005-02-13)
fpu\fcmp (0, 2006-11-07)
fpu\sourse\except.v (4895, 2005-02-13)
fpu\sourse\fpu.v (17825, 2005-02-13)
fpu\sourse\post_norm.v (24168, 2005-02-13)
fpu\sourse\pre_norm.v (9411, 2005-02-13)
fpu\sourse\pre_norm_fmul.v (5530, 2005-02-13)
fpu\sourse\primitives.v (3348, 2005-02-13)
fpu\sourse (0, 2006-11-07)
fpu\test_bench\sel_test.vh (23503, 2005-02-13)
fpu\test_bench\test_top.v (9854, 2005-02-13)
fpu\test_bench (0, 2006-11-07)
fpu\浮点运算简介.files\back.gif (49, 2005-07-24)
fpu\浮点运算简介.files\css.css (248, 2005-07-24)
fpu\浮点运算简介.files\Thumbs.db (3072, 2006-11-06)
fpu\浮点运算简介.files (0, 2006-11-07)
fpu\fpu.tar.tar (74177, 2006-12-08)
fpu (0, 2006-11-07)

FPU Notes --------- 1) The FPU will never generate a SNAN output 1a) The SNAN output is asserted when one of the operands was a signaling NAN (output will be a quiet NAN). 1b) The QNAN output is asserted whenever the OUTPUT of the FPU is NAN (always a quiet NAN). FPU === The FPU consists of the following files: verilog/fpu.v verilog/pre_norm.v verilog/primitives.v verilog/post_norm.v verilog/except.v", verilog/pre_norm_fmul.v (fpu.v is the top level) The testbench is in: test_bench/test_top.v To simulate the FPU using the included test bench use a comand like: verilog test_bench/test_top.v \ verilog/fpu.v \ verilog/pre_norm.v \ verilog/primitives.v \ verilog/post_norm.v \ verilog/except.v \ verilog/pre_norm_fmul.v FCMP ==== The FP compare consists of fcmp/verilog/fcmp.v The testbench for FP compare is in: fcmp/test_bench/test_top.v To simulate the FP compare using the included test bench use a comand like: verilog fcmp/test_bench/test_top.v \ fcmp/verilog/fcmp.v MISC ==== Do not change the directory structure, the testbench depends on it ! Please also read the README file in the test_vectors directory.


