
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-12-13 12:42:03
上 传 者与乁
说明:  扫雷,是附带在Window里面的游戏,是个简单的游戏。因此我们就从扫雷开始我们的游戏旅程。很多人都玩过这个游戏,只是不知道怎么用程序实现。不过还有人不知道怎么玩,下面就先说说游戏的规则: ● 开始:按左键开始游戏,按按钮或菜单重新开始。 ● 左键:按下时,是雷则结束,非雷则显示数字。 ● 数字:代表此数字周围一圈八格中雷的个数。 ● 右键:奇次按下表示雷,偶数按下表示对上次的否定。 ● 结束:左键按到雷结束,找出全部雷结束。
(Mine, which is incidental to the game in the Window is a simple game. From mine so we begin our journey game. Many people have played the game, but do not know how to use program. But also do not know how to play, following on the first talk about the rules of the game: ● the beginning: by the left to start the game, press the button or menu start all over again. ● Left: Press when the end of mine, non-mine figures showed. ● figure: This figure is representative of eight cells in a circle around the number of mine. ● Right: Odd press said Lei, even press that the last negative. ● End: left by the end of the mine to find out all of mine end.)

2_1 (0, 2002-05-06)
2_1\2_1.aps (52064, 2001-10-26)
2_1\2_1.clw (1934, 2001-11-20)
2_1\2_1.cpp (4183, 2001-10-22)
2_1\2_1.dsp (6549, 2001-10-26)
2_1\2_1.dsw (531, 2001-10-22)
2_1\2_1.h (1333, 2001-10-22)
2_1\2_1.ncb (115712, 2001-11-20)
2_1\2_1.opt (58880, 2001-11-20)
2_1\2_1.plg (240, 2001-10-27)
2_1\2_1.rc (11674, 2001-10-26)
2_1\2_1Doc.cpp (1716, 2001-10-22)
2_1\2_1Doc.h (1456, 2001-10-22)
2_1\2_1View.cpp (11261, 2001-10-27)
2_1\2_1View.h (2318, 2001-10-26)
2_1\Debug (0, 2002-05-06)
2_1\MainFrm.cpp (2553, 2001-10-26)
2_1\MainFrm.h (1440, 2001-10-26)
2_1\res (0, 2002-05-06)
2_1\resource.h (1942, 2001-10-26)
2_1\res\2_1.ico (1078, 2001-10-22)
2_1\res\2_1.rc2 (395, 2001-10-22)
2_1\res\2_1Doc.ico (1078, 2001-10-22)
2_1\res\bitmap0.bmp (230, 2001-10-22)
2_1\res\bitmap1.bmp (230, 2001-10-22)
2_1\res\bitmap10.bmp (230, 2001-10-22)
2_1\res\bitmap11.bmp (230, 2001-10-22)
2_1\res\bitmap12.bmp (230, 2001-10-23)
2_1\res\bitmap13.bmp (230, 2001-10-23)
2_1\res\bitmap14.bmp (230, 2001-10-26)
2_1\res\bitmap15.bmp (230, 2001-10-26)
2_1\res\bitmap16.bmp (230, 2001-10-26)
2_1\res\bitmap17.bmp (230, 2001-10-26)
2_1\res\bitmap18.bmp (230, 2001-10-26)
2_1\res\bitmap19.bmp (230, 2001-10-26)
2_1\res\bitmap2.bmp (230, 2001-10-22)
2_1\res\bitmap20.bmp (230, 2001-10-26)
2_1\res\bitmap21.bmp (230, 2001-10-26)
2_1\res\bitmap22.bmp (230, 2001-10-26)
... ...


