
上传日期:2013-09-05 17:18:17
上 传 者pennshine
说明:  美国华盛顿大学开发的HYDRA 分布式水文模型,包含冰雪模块,应用已经十分广泛。
(Developed at the University of Washington HYDRA distributed hydrological model, including snow module, the application has been very extensive.)

hydracode (0, 2002-08-16)
hydracode\.DS_Store (6148, 2002-08-15)
hydracode\hydra.f (53736, 2002-08-15)
hydracode\hydra.inf (603, 2002-08-15)
hydracode\makefile (1026, 2002-08-15)
hydracode\netcdf4dnew.f (17842, 2002-08-15)

READMEHY.txt last update 01/15/02 (Mike Coe) - HYDRA General Instructions HYDRA HYDrologic Routing Algorithm ==================== Unix/Linux Mode ====================== GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPILING AND RUNNING HYDRA NOTE: WE HAVE PROVIDED CLIMATE INPUT DATA FOR THE LAKE CHAD BASIN (FROM COE AND FOLEY, 2001) TO RUN AS A TEST OF THE HYDRA MODEL ON YOUR SYSTEM. TO RUN HYDRA OVER SOME OTHER REGION OF THE GLOBE IT IS NECESSARY TO DERIVE CLIMATE INPUT DATA FOR THAT REGION (RUNOFF, PRECIPITATION, AND POTENTIAL EVAPORATION) AND TO ALTER THE MODEL DOMAIN IN THE DECLARATIONS SECTION OF THE HYDRA CODE. ----------------------------------------------------------- Compiling and running HYDRA requires a FORTRAN compiler, a 'make' utility, and the netcdf library (V3.3 or later, obtained from www.unitadata.ucar.edu) compiled with the FORTRAN option turned on. 1) Set up proper input/output directories in the location from which you will run HYDRA: mkdir output mkdir input 2) Place the geomorphology and your climate input files in the directory called input. The geomorphology are global files at 5'x5' resolution and do not require any changes between different experiments. They are essentially constants. NOTE: Currently, the model is set-up to read the geomorphology files in HDF only. I have provided NetCDf versions for those who would like to use NetCDF only, but changes will have to be made to the read statements within HYDRA to read from the NetCDF. The model requires precipitation, surface runoff, sub-surface runoff, and potential evaporation as climate input. The structure of the climate files is unique to each run and each location desired. They can be obtained from any source. In current form the model is designed to read input climatology files at 1/2X1/2 degree resolution, then convert the data to the 5' resolution of the model. They can be annual, monthly, or daily mean values. There is no set protocol; they can be changed for each different simulation. (Changes will have to be made to the input read statements to be consistent with the climate files chosen.) The test climate files provided are for the Lake Chad region for a 59-year period (monthly means). They were generated by IBIS and the Penman formulation using climate estimates from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University. The model can be run with these values to compare to the results by Coe and Foley (2001): Human and natural impacts on the water resources of the Lake Chad basin, J. Geophys. Res, 106, 3349-3356. 3) Edit the file named hydra.inf so that the following input values are to your liking (note: input values must be in the exact order mentioned below). nyrs - enter the number of years to run the model. This corresponds either to some number & hydra.out &' instead (without the quotes). All screen output, including system error messages, will be written to a file called hydra.out.


