
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-12-20 10:35:59
上 传 者kamavoodoo
说明:  本代码实现了从dll文件中读取图标的功能,值得一看
(the realization of the code from the document read dll icon functions, an eye-catcher)

IconDlg.cpp (6427, 1997-07-25)
icondlg.h (1519, 1997-07-25)
IconDlgTest.clw (1955, 1997-07-25)
IconDlgTest.cpp (538, 1997-07-25)
IconDlgTest.h (383, 1997-07-25)
IconDlgTest.mak (10101, 1997-07-25)
IconDlgTest.rc (5145, 1997-07-25)
IconDlgTestDlg.cpp (1412, 1997-07-25)
IconDlgTestDlg.h (573, 1997-07-25)
resource.h (1037, 1997-07-25)
res\IconDlgTest.ico (1078, 1997-07-24)
res\IconDlgTest.rc2 (403, 1997-07-24)
StdAfx.cpp (209, 1997-07-25)
StdAfx.h (499, 1997-07-24)

Welcome to CIconDialog, A freeware MFC dialog class to select an icon. This is based on the dialog that appears when you choose to change the icon for a shortcut in the Windows 95 / NT 4 shell. The actual appearance of the dialog is based on the new look dialog in IE4 PP2 which uses a larger list box to display the icons. Have a look on my web site or run the supplied sample to see what it looks like. Included is a simple dialog based application which shows how to use it. The class would be used in your application as follows: CIconDialog dlg(this); dlg.SetIcon(m_sFilename, m_nIconIndex); if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) dlg.GetIcon(m_sFilename, m_nIconIndex); The variables m_sFilename and m_nIconIndex would be managed by your application. To use CIconDialog in your project simply include icondlg.cpp, the 5 string resources and the dialog resource IDD_CHOOSE_ICON from the test application in your application. Then just #include "icondlg.h" in which ever class needs to use it. Happy coding. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR PJ Naughter Email: Web: 25th July 1997


