
上传日期:2013-09-23 11:34:59
上 传 者studyself
说明:  伯克利视觉组用于图像分割和边缘提取的算法,需要在linux下编译,matlab下可用可测试。我在ubuntu上试过
(segmentation code from Berkeley machine vision group)

source\a (0, 2013-09-10)
source\ (830, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\ (5065, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\affinity.hh (1224, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\buildW.cpp (4042, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\buildW.mexa64 (345413, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\buildW.mexglx (258670, 2013-09-17)
source\buildW\GPL (895, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\ (19375, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\ic.hh (2438, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\ictest.m (1005, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\Makefile (1417, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\Makefile_linux (1417, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\Makefile_mac (1458, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\ (6661, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\smatrix.hh (1952, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\util\array.hh (21932, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\util\ (40281, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\util\configFileLexer.lex (2585, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\util\configFileLexer.o (51004, 2013-09-17)
source\buildW\util\ (22245, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\util\configure.hh (3897, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\util\configure.o (121464, 2013-09-17)
source\buildW\util\ (1188, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\util\exception.hh (1656, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\util\exception.o (15656, 2013-09-17)
source\buildW\util\ (31920, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\util\image.hh (4551, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\util\image.o (340056, 2013-09-17)
source\buildW\util\ (8636, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\util\kmeans.hh (1248, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\util\kmeans.o (93780, 2013-09-17)
source\buildW\util\libutil.a (1092252, 2013-09-17)
source\buildW\util\ (4285, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\util\message.hh (2308, 2013-01-23)
source\buildW\util\message.o (53720, 2013-09-17)
source\buildW\util\ (2753, 2013-01-23)
... ...

Follow these steps to compile the Berkeley Segmentation Ressources from source code on Mac systems: [ Tested on OS X 10.7 with matlab-r2011a ] 1. Prerequisites: a. We assume that you have matlab installed and mex is configured correctlly (type mex -setup in the matlab prompt). b. Make sure matlab is in your path, e.g.: $ export PATH=/Applications/$PATH c. Install XCode >= 4.3 d. Install XCode command line tools (see: NOTE: If you previously had XCode < 4.3 you will need to edit your file to set the SDKROOT to the new SDKPATH path, e.g., SDKROOT='/Applications/' (see: e. Install macports (see: f. Use macports to install the required image libraries: $ sudo port install jpeg $ sudo port install libpng 2. Compilation: a. We assume that you uncompressed the .tgz file in a folder called /BSR/ b. Overwrite the default linux make files with the Mac versions: $ cp -f /BSR/grouping/source/gpb_src/Rules.make_mac /BSR/grouping/source/gpb_src/Rules.make $ cp -f /BSR/grouping/source/buildW/Makefile_mac /BSR/grouping/source/buildW/Makefile c. Edit the following line in the file /BSR/grouping/source/gpb_src/Rules.make to point to the directory where matlab is installed (example given below): MATLAB_PATH := /Applications/ d. go to /BSR/grouping/source and type the following command: $ source This script should build all the packages and copy the resulting .mex files into the grouping/lib directory. 3. Usage examples: a. /BSR/grouping/test_gPb_ucm.m : Run gPb_ucm on a small image to test compilation. b. /BSR/grouping/example.m: usage examples of gPb_ucm, including support for large images. c. /BSR/bench/test_benchs.m: usage examples of BSDS500 benchmarks with various input formats.


