
上传日期:2013-09-29 01:04:51
上 传 者lql0909
说明:  python写入Excel文件所需的包,便于将数据存为excel表格的形式,python3.x版
(python package needed to write Excel files, easy to store data in tabular form to excel, python3.x edition)

xlwt3-0.1.2\HISTORY.html (2888, 2009-06-01)
xlwt3-0.1.2\LICENSE.txt (3382, 2010-12-03)
xlwt3-0.1.2\NEWS.txt (401, 2011-04-19)
xlwt3-0.1.2\PKG-INFO (5349, 2011-04-19)
xlwt3-0.1.2\setup.py (1571, 2011-04-19)
xlwt3-0.1.2\test.bat (127, 2010-12-06)
xlwt3-0.1.2\doc\xlwt.html (6983, 2009-03-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\doc.sphinx\_build\html\genindex.html (3931, 2011-01-03)
xlwt3-0.1.2\doc.sphinx\_build\html\index.html (6043, 2011-01-03)
xlwt3-0.1.2\doc.sphinx\_build\html\package.html (7083, 2011-01-03)
xlwt3-0.1.2\doc.sphinx\_build\html\search.html (3047, 2011-01-03)
xlwt3-0.1.2\doc.sphinx\_build\html\workbook.html (6849, 2011-01-03)
xlwt3-0.1.2\doc.sphinx\_build\html\worksheet.html (6574, 2011-01-03)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\big-16Mb.py (686, 2011-04-19)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\big-35Mb.py (650, 2011-04-19)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\blanks.py (626, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\col_width.py (346, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\country.py (188, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\dates.py (563, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\format.py (644, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\formulas.py (1359, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\formula_names.py (955, 2011-01-03)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\hyperlinks.py (703, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\image.py (248, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\merged.py (768, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\merged0.py (518, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\merged1.py (1829, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\mini.py (148, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\num_formats.py (1159, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\outline.py (3008, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\panes.py (1143, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\parse-fmla.py (237, 2011-01-03)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\protection.py (2830, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\python.bmp (37446, 2009-03-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\row_styles.py (345, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\row_styles_empty.py (324, 2010-12-05)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\runall.bat (78, 2011-04-19)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\runall.bat~ (79, 2010-12-09)
xlwt3-0.1.2\examples\simple.py (475, 2010-12-05)
... ...

xlwt3 ===== **DEVELOPMENT STOPPED** - 03.01.2011 I doubt that there will ever be a stable version of xlwt3. "xlwt3" is the Python 3 port of "xlwt" 0.7.2 "xlwt3" is 100% API compatible to "xlwt" 0.7.2 (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/xlwt) but all module names changed to lower-case names, and formula parsing related modules moved to the subpackage 'xlwt3.excel'. Purpose ------- Library to create spreadsheet files compatible with MS Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 XLS files, on any platform, with Python 3.1+ Maintainer ---------- * xlwt -- John Machin, Lingfo Pty Ltd * xlwt3 -- Manfred Moitzi, Python 3 port Licence ------- BSD-style (see licences.py) External modules required ------------------------- The package itself is pure Python with no dependencies on modules or packages outside the standard Python distribution. Quick start:: import xlwt3 as xlwt from datetime import datetime style0 = xlwt.easyxf('font: name Times New Roman, color-index red, bold on', num_format_str='#,##0.00') style1 = xlwt.easyxf(num_format_str='D-MMM-YY') wb = xlwt.Workbook() ws = wb.add_sheet('A Test Sheet') ws.write(0, 0, 1234.56, style0) ws.write(1, 0, datetime.now(), style1) ws.write(2, 0, 1) ws.write(2, 1, 1) ws.write(2, 2, xlwt.Formula("A3+B3")) wb.save('example.xls') Installation ------------ Any OS: Unzip the .zip file into a suitable directory, chdir to that directory, then do:: python setup.py install or:: pip install xlwt3 Download URLs ------------- PyPI: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/xlwt3 Bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/mozman/xlwt3/downloads Documentation ------------- http://packages.python.org/xlwt3/ - Sphinx based HTML documentation or use the original "xlwt" 0.7.2 documention at https://secure.simplistix.co.uk/svn/xlwt/trunk/xlwt/doc/xlwt.html and replace every "xlwt" with "xlwt3" or use:: import xlwt3 as xlwt Documentation can be found in the 'doc' directory of the xlwt3 package. If these aren't sufficient, please consult the code in the examples directory and the source code itself. Problems -------- Try the following in this order: * Read the source * Ask a question on http://groups.google.com/group/python-excel/ * E-mail the xlwt maintainer , including "[xlwt]" as part of the message subject. * E-mail the xlwt3 maintainer , including "[xlwt]" as part of the message subject. Acknowledgements ---------------- * xlwt is a fork of the pyExcelerator package, which was developed by Roman V. Kiseliov. * "This product includes software developed by Roman V. Kiseliov ." * xlwt uses ANTLR v 2.7.7 to generate its formula compiler. * a growing list of names; see HISTORY.html: feedback, testing, test files, ...


