
上传日期:2013-10-13 09:54:06
上 传 者daliss
说明:  本项目主要使用spring security对restful webservice进行安全控制
(This project is mainly for restful webservice using spring security for security control)

REST-spring-security\.classpath (825, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\.project (1191, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\.settings\.jsdtscope (163, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\.settings\org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs (108, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\.settings\org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs (5599, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\.settings\org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs (2740, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\.settings\org.eclipse.m2e.core.prefs (122, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\.settings\org.eclipse.wst.common.component (644, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\.settings\org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml (168, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\.settings\org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.superType.container (49, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\.settings\ (6, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\.settings\org.eclipse.wst.validation.prefs (469, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\.settings\org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp.prefs (123, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\.settings\org.springframework.ide.eclipse.core.prefs (8599, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\.settings (0, 2012-03-03)
REST-spring-security\.springBeans (448, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\eclipse\BUILD.launch (910, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\eclipse\GENERATE_ADT_STUFF.launch (913, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\eclipse\INTEGRATION-ALL.launch (1340, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\eclipse\INTEGRATION-BUILD.launch (922, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\eclipse\INTEGRATION-SINGLE.launch (1412, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\eclipse (0, 2012-03-03)
REST-spring-security\infoq\infoq - pom.xml (9458, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\infoq\infoq - web.xml (2320, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\infoq (0, 2012-03-03)
REST-spring-security\MIT-LICENSE.txt (1105, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\pom.xml (16615, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\src\main\java\org\rest\client\ (2145, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\src\main\java\org\rest\client (0, 2012-03-03)
REST-spring-security\src\main\java\org\rest\common\event\ (1427, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\src\main\java\org\rest\common\event\ (1358, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\src\main\java\org\rest\common\event\ (977, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\src\main\java\org\rest\common\event (0, 2012-03-03)
REST-spring-security\src\main\java\org\rest\common\exceptions\ (590, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\src\main\java\org\rest\common\exceptions\ (577, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\src\main\java\org\rest\common\exceptions\ (618, 2012-03-02)
REST-spring-security\src\main\java\org\rest\common\exceptions (0, 2012-03-03)
REST-spring-security\src\main\java\org\rest\common\ (164, 2012-03-02)
... ...

# Overview This is a **Spring Security RESTful service**; it's purpose be used as a internally deployable, stand alone security implementation
# Continuous Integration ![Built on Cloudbees]( "Built on Cloudbees") - **CI server**: # Technology Stack The project uses the following technologies:
- **web/REST**: Spring 3.1
- **marshalling**: Jackson (for JSON) and XStream (for XML)
- **persistence**: JPA, Spring Data JPA and Hibernate
- **testing**: Junit, Hamcrest, Mockito, rest-assured
# THE PERSISTENCE LAYER (technical notes) ### The DAO layer - to create a new DAO, only the interface needs to be created; **Spring Data JPA** will generates the DAO implementation automatically - the DAO interface MUST extend the Spring Data managed interface: _JpaRepository_ (with the correct parametrization) - the DAO layer is **aware** of the persistence engine it uses; this information MUST be encoded in the name; for **example**: _IPrincipalJpaDAO_ for JPA instead of just _IPrincipalDAO_ ### The Service layer - all Service interfaces MUST extend the _IService_ interface (with the proper parametrization) - all Service implementations MUST extend the _AbstractService_ abstract class (with the proper parametrization) - extending _AbstractService_ and _IService_ enables a base of consistent and common functionality across services - the Service artifacts MUST be annotated with the _@Service_ annotation - the Service layer is **not aware** of the persistence engine it uses (indirectly); if the persistence engine will change, the DAO artifacts will change, and the service will not # THE WEB LAYER (technical notes) ### The Controller layer - the Controller layer MUST only use the Service layer directly (never the DAO layer) - the Controller layer SHOULD not implement any interface - the Controller layer MUST extend _AbstractController_ (with the proper parametrization) - the Controller artifacts MUST be annotated with the _@Controller_ annotation ## Transaction Management and Configuration (technical notes) - the Service layer is the transaction owner (and is annotated with _@Transactional_) - the default transaction semantics are: propagation REQUIRED, default isolation, rollback on runtime exceptions - **NOTE**: the transactional semantics MAY be subject to change # Eclipse - see the [Eclipse wiki page]( of this project


