
上传日期:2013-10-14 22:34:38
上 传 者fracatal
说明:  基于MATLAB的levelset计算源代码,对于动态界面扑捉具有最佳效果。
(Levelset calculated based on MATLAB source code for capture dynamic interface with the best results.)

Examples\addPathToKernel.m (618, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Basic\convectionDemo.m (9630, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Basic\laxFriedrichsDemo.m (13082, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Basic\maskDemo.m (11705, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Basic\reinitDemo.m (7022, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Basic\reinitDemoFigures.m (2272, 2007-05-27)
Examples\OsherFedkiw\animateSpinStar.m (9745, 2007-05-27)
Examples\OsherFedkiw\curvatureSpiralDemo.m (8530, 2007-05-27)
Examples\OsherFedkiw\curvatureStarDemo.m (9109, 2007-05-27)
Examples\OsherFedkiw\normalStarDemo.m (9327, 2007-05-27)
Examples\OsherFedkiw\spinStarDemo.m (8710, 2007-05-27)
Examples\OsherFedkiw\spiralFromEllipse.m (3420, 2007-05-27)
Examples\OsherFedkiw\spiralFromPoints.m (2267, 2007-05-27)
Examples\OsherShu\burgersLF.m (12193, 2007-05-27)
Examples\OsherShu\nonconvexLF.m (12099, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Reachability\acoustic.m (13264, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Reachability\air3D.m (13349, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Reachability\airMode.m (13184, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Reachability\animateAcoustic.m (15049, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Reachability\animateAir3D.m (16197, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Reachability\figureAir3D.m (3161, 2007-05-27)
Examples\RussoSmereka\ellipseError.m (2798, 2007-05-27)
Examples\RussoSmereka\reinit1D.m (6581, 2007-05-27)
Examples\RussoSmereka\reinitCircle.m (9163, 2007-05-27)
Examples\RussoSmereka\reinitEllipse.m (12263, 2007-05-27)
Examples\SDE\exerciseKP529.m (8066, 2007-05-27)
Examples\SDE\exerciseO169b.m (10645, 2007-05-27)
Examples\SDE\linearAdditiveSDE.m (9418, 2007-05-27)
Examples\SDE\testLinearAdditiveSDE.m (4079, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Sethian\animateDumbbell.m (7497, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Sethian\dumbbell1.m (7876, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Sethian\tripleSine.m (7272, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Test\argumentSemanticsTest.m (4104, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Test\firstDerivSpatialConverge.m (3510, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Test\firstDerivSpatialTest1.m (8947, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Test\ghostCell.m (2297, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Test\initialConditionsTest1D.m (4060, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Test\initialConditionsTest2D.m (6021, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Test\initialConditionsTest3D.m (6040, 2007-05-27)
Examples\Test\reinitTest.m (6377, 2007-05-27)
... ...

Congratulations on downloading your very own version of the Toolbox of Level Set Methods. If you can read this, you have successfully unpacked the tarball or zipfile and have all of the routines ready to access. To use this toolbox, you will need to run the basic version of Matlab. Tests have been performed on versions 6.5, 7.0.1 and 7.2.0 (R2006a), but earlier versions 6.* may work. No additional toolboxes are required. To try out your distribution, go into the Examples subdirectory. There you will find a file: addPathToKernel.m Open that file with your favorite text editor and modify the path name contained there so that it contains the absolute path (starting from root) of the Kernel subdirectory of this distribution. Save the modified file. Then start Matlab, change to the Examples/Basic directory, and try running: convectionDemo.m If it generates a figure showing a circle moving to the right, you are on your way. See the documentation toolboxLS.pdf for more details.


