
上传日期:2013-10-16 14:53:25
上 传 者Froyoghourt
说明:  基本要求: 1、设计一个能进行拔河游戏的电路。 2、电路使用9个发光二极管,开机后只有中间一个发亮,此即拔河的中心点。 3、游戏双方各持一个按钮,迅速地、不断地按动,产生脉冲,谁按得快,亮点就向谁的方向移动,每按一次,亮点移动一次。 4、亮点移到任一方终端二极管时,这一方就获胜,此时双方按钮均无作用,输出保持,只有复位后才使亮点恢复到中心。 5、用数码管显示获胜者的盘数。
(Basic requirements: 1, the design of a circuit capable of tug of war game. 2, the circuit uses nine light-emitting diodes, only the middle of a shiny-war. 3, the game with a two button rapidly and continuously pressed, generates a pulse, who by fast, highlight a direction on who to move, each time, the highlight moves again. 4, the highlight moves to either terminal diode, this side will win, this time the two sides had no effect button, output remains only reset after the highlight back to center. 5, with digital display winner of the plate number.)

zhongji\bahe.asm.rpt (6549, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\bahe.done (26, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\bahe.fit.rpt (274710, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\bahe.fit.smsg (513, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\bahe.fit.summary (602, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\bahe.flow.rpt (7582, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\bahe.map.rpt (29108, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\bahe.map.summary (453, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\bahe.pin (92539, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\bahe.qpf (1264, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\bahe.qsf (2660, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\bahe.sof (1171283, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\bahe.sta.rpt (169407, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\bahe.sta.summary (5188, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\bahe.vhd (4189, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\bahe.vhd.bak (4192, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.(0).cnf.cdb (2313, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.(0).cnf.hdb (1512, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.(1).cnf.cdb (1460, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.(1).cnf.hdb (938, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.(2).cnf.cdb (5096, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.(2).cnf.hdb (2497, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.(3).cnf.cdb (3233, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.(3).cnf.hdb (1552, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.asm.qmsg (2182, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.asm_labs.ddb (30886, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.cbx.xml (86, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.cmp.bpm (681, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.cmp.cdb (36936, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.cmp.ecobp (28, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.cmp.hdb (11224, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.cmp.kpt (335, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.cmp.logdb (16535, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.cmp.rdb (26919, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.cmp_merge.kpt (341, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.cuda_io_sim_cache.31um_ff_1200mv_0c_fast.hsd (387994, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.cuda_io_sim_cache.31um_ss_1200mv_85c_slow.hsd (378650, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.db_info (137, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.eco.cdb (161, 2013-10-16)
zhongji\db\bahe.fit.qmsg (79394, 2013-10-16)
... ...

This folder contains data for incremental compilation. The compiled_partitions sub-folder contains previous compilation results for each partition. As long as this folder is preserved, incremental compilation results from earlier compiles can be re-used. To perform a clean compilation from source files for all partitions, both the db and incremental_db folder should be removed. The imported_partitions sub-folder contains the last imported QXP for each imported partition. As long as this folder is preserved, imported partitions will be automatically re-imported when the db or incremental_db/compiled_partitions folders are removed.


