
上传日期:2013-10-18 13:41:45
上 传 者飞鱼123
说明:  这是一个好的建模学习资料,赶快下载吧, 数学建模十大算法 ( 包含:蒙特卡罗算法、数据拟合、参数估计、 插值等数据处理算法、线性规划、整数规划、多元规划、二次规划等规划类问题、 图论算法、动态规划、回溯搜索、分治算法、分支定界等计算机算法、 最优化理论的三大非经典算法:模拟退火法、神经网络、遗传算法、 网格算法和穷举法、一些连续离散化方法、数值分析算法、图象处理算法)
(This is a good model to study the information, download it quickly, mathematical modeling algorithm 10 (includes: Monte Carlo algorithm, data fitting, parameter estimation, interpolation of data processing algorithms, linear programming, integer programming, diversity planning, Quadratic Programming Programming category of zoning, graph algorithms, dynamic programming, backtracking search, divide and conquer algorithm, branch and bound algorithm computer, optimization theory of the three non-classical algorithm: simulated annealing, neural networks, genetic algorithms, network lattice algorithms and exhaustive, some consecutive discrete method, numerical analysis algorithms, image processing algorithm))

线性方程组不同解法的比较.m (267, 2013-07-29)
信号的功率谱密度.asv (350, 2013-09-23)
信号的功率谱密度.m (350, 2013-09-23)
信号的图像.asv (650, 2013-09-23)
信号的图像.m (650, 2013-09-23)
一次插值的应用.m (277, 2013-07-28)
折线坐标点的标出.m (284, 2013-09-06)
制作动画.m (103, 2013-08-20)
最小二乘拟合.m (261, 2013-09-06)
1.xls (25088, 2013-09-25)
AdaptFunc.m (4866, 2013-09-10)
Chaos.m (664, 2013-09-13)
CLSPSO.m (2217, 2013-09-17)
danchunxingsuanfa.m (1051, 2013-09-11)
diff_crt.m (515, 2013-09-07)
duoxiangshi.m (397, 2013-09-02)
fac.m (169, 2013-07-28)
fesin.m (48, 2013-09-07)
fit.m (35, 2013-09-10)
fithanshu.m (96, 2013-09-12)
fitness.m (73, 2013-09-17)
fxy.m (121, 2013-09-07)
gldmidu.m (1728, 2013-09-25)
hanshu.m (35, 2013-09-04)
hcurve.m (56, 2013-08-16)
humps.m (65, 2013-08-12)
in-mem.txt (2143607, 2013-09-23)
iscline.m (182, 2013-07-29)
mmtemp.m (1073, 2013-08-05)
OPS.m (1218, 2013-09-10)
pa_in_memory.txt (1415809, 2013-09-23)
pa_in_out_memory.mat (2284756, 2013-09-23)
pa_out_memory.txt (1342959, 2013-09-23)
Particle_Swarm_Optimize.m (1849, 2013-09-10)
picture.bmp (3152954, 2013-09-25)
pppuls.m (255, 2013-08-01)
product_suijishu.m (113, 2013-09-11)
sampel.mat (778, 2013-07-28)
sample.m (16, 2013-07-28)
sanweituxing.m (247, 2013-09-03)
... ...


