
上传日期:2006-12-30 11:28:06
上 传 者sunart
说明:  java Applet程序 5.1 渐隐渐现的文字 5.2 旋转的图形 5.3 钻井工人 5.4 礼炮 5.5 彩带庆贺 5.6 图像放大器 5.7 电子相册 5.8 计算器 5.9 多功能时钟
(java applet 5.1 gradual process is the gradual hidden text graphics rotation 5.2 5.3 Driller 5.5 5.4 97 people celebrating the ribbon image amplifier 5.6 5.7 5.8 electronic photo albums calculators 5.9 Multifunctional Clock)

Chap05\5.1Fader\Fader.class (3112, 1999-12-17)
Chap05\5.1Fader\Fader.html (135, 2003-03-04)
Chap05\5.1Fader\ (3026, 2003-03-04)
Chap05\5.1Fader (0, 2005-11-22)
Chap05\5.2Rotator\Rotator.class (2214, 2003-03-09)
Chap05\5.2Rotator\Rotator.html (237, 2003-03-04)
Chap05\5.2Rotator\ (2485, 2003-03-09)
Chap05\5.2Rotator\ScalaMedia.gif (10244, 2002-12-29)
Chap05\5.2Rotator (0, 2005-11-22)
Chap05\5.3Jack\AUDIO\ (16289, 1999-08-25)
Chap05\5.3Jack\AUDIO (0, 2005-11-22)
Chap05\5.3Jack\IMAGES\JACK.GIF (5882, 1999-08-25)
Chap05\5.3Jack\IMAGES (0, 2005-11-22)
Chap05\5.3Jack\Jack.html (72, 2003-03-04)
Chap05\5.3Jack\JackhammerDuke.class (2373, 1999-12-17)
Chap05\5.3Jack\ (2106, 2003-03-09)
Chap05\5.3Jack (0, 2005-11-22)
Chap05\5.4FireWorks\FiresWorks.html (97, 2003-03-04)
Chap05\5.4FireWorks\FireWorks.class (3913, 2000-01-11)
Chap05\5.4FireWorks\ (4661, 2003-03-04)
Chap05\5.4FireWorks (0, 2005-11-22)
Chap05\5.5Confetti\Confetti.class (5475, 2000-03-07)
Chap05\5.5Confetti\Confetti.html (240, 2003-03-04)
Chap05\5.5Confetti\ (4709, 2003-03-04)
Chap05\5.5Confetti\mypicture.jpg (18681, 1997-06-19)
Chap05\5.5Confetti (0, 2005-11-22)
Chap05\5.6Magnify\Magnify.class (3962, 2003-03-04)
Chap05\5.6Magnify\Magnify.html (61, 2003-03-04)
Chap05\5.6Magnify\ (3263, 2003-03-04)
Chap05\5.6Magnify\MAP1.JPG (176398, 2000-10-12)
Chap05\5.6Magnify\MAP2.JPG (125263, 2000-10-12)
Chap05\5.6Magnify\MAP3.JPG (182008, 2000-10-12)
Chap05\5.6Magnify\MAP4.JPG (121290, 2000-10-12)
Chap05\5.6Magnify\MAP5.JPG (144249, 2001-05-08)
Chap05\5.6Magnify\MAP6.JPG (89102, 2001-05-08)
Chap05\5.6Magnify\MAP7.JPG (92291, 2001-05-08)
Chap05\5.6Magnify\MAP8.JPG (78522, 2001-05-08)
Chap05\5.6Magnify (0, 2005-11-22)
Chap05\5.7PhotoAlbum\IMAGES\BEARPAW7.JPG (21627, 2002-09-11)
... ... -- Confetti generator (ie, colored snow =) ) To use: Accepted colors: red green blue yellow cyan magenta orange pink white lightGray gray darkGray black ****************More detailed instructions****************** The WIDTH and HEIGHT should be set to the same size of the image you want to confetti-ize. If not, your image will be stretched/shrunk to fit within the applet, and may cause some distortion! The PARAM "back" is the background image - what you want confetti to appear over. The applet will expect to find this image file in the same directory as the Confetti.class file. GIF and JPG are both supported. The other parameters are colors -- Which color, and how many pieces of that color you want falling. You can mix and match as few or many of them as you wish, at whatever amounts you want, to achieve the desired effect. ** more optional PARAM tags which have just been added: pixSize = xxx Specify the size of the confetti. If omitted, defaults to a size of 2. frame = filename.ext Specify a frame to place on the foreground of the image -- Will show in front of everything else, can be used as a frame, etc. Be sure to have transparency set on it so the rest of the applet can show through! Also, this image will be stretched/shrunken to fit the applet size as well. delay = xxx Delay time between frames. Default=100. xMin xMax yMin yMax = xxx Control animation distance per frame.


