
上传日期:2013-11-05 09:52:55
上 传 者4503840
说明:  实用数字签名的步骤 (1)发送方使用MD5算法对通信内容进行计算,获得一个固定长度的信息摘要; (2)发送方用自己的私钥加密生成的信息生成发送方的数字签名,发送方把这个数字签名作为发送信息的附件和明文信息,一同用接收方的公钥进行加密,将加密后的密文一同发送给接收方; (3)接收方首先把接收到的密文用自己的私钥解密,得到明文信息和数字签名,再用发送方的公钥对数字签名进行解密,然后使用相同的单向散列算法来计算解密得到的明文信息,得到信息摘要;对比计算出来的信息摘要和发送方发送过来的信息摘要是否一致 思考: (1)请分别选择文件test-1.txt和test_picture.bmp作为通讯内容,分别记录全过程用时,并对比一下; (2)如果所发送的内容数据量非常大,上述方案中的效率不能满足要求,请考虑一下如何解决这个问题。
(Practical steps digital signature ( A ) the sender uses the MD5 algorithm to calculate the content of communications , access to a fixed-length message digest ( 2 ) the sender s private key encryption with their own information generated by the sender generates a digital signature , the digital signature of the sender of the message as an attachment and send plaintext , together with the recipient s public key to encrypt the encrypted sent along with the ciphertext to the recipient ( 3 ) First, the recipient receives the ciphertext with his private key to decrypt , get the plaintext and the digital signature , then the sender s public key to decrypt the digital signature , and then using the same one-way hash algorithm to calculate decrypted plaintext information, to receive message digest comparing the calculated message digest and the information sent from the sender summary is consistent Reflections : ( 1 ) Please select the file test-1.txt respectively and test_pictur)

MD5实验\.classpath (401, 2009-04-10)
MD5实验\.project (385, 2009-04-10)
MD5实验\.settings\org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs (629, 2009-04-10)
MD5实验\bcprov-jdk15-140.jar (1593423, 2008-09-23)
MD5实验\bin\zhong\Aclient$1.class (1770, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\bin\zhong\Aclient$2.class (897, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\bin\zhong\Aclient$3$1.class (2520, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\bin\zhong\Aclient$3.class (2826, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\bin\zhong\Aclient.class (9219, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\bin\zhong\Bclient$1.class (3238, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\bin\zhong\Bclient$2.class (1647, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\bin\zhong\Bclient.class (7666, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\bin\zhong\EncryptException.class (471, 2009-04-18)
MD5实验\bin\zhong\ProductMD5ia.class (925, 2009-04-18)
MD5实验\bin\zhong\RSAUtil.class (5984, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\bin\zhong\RunClient$1.class (512, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\bin\zhong\RunClient.class (576, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\input.txt (18, 2009-04-10)
MD5实验\src\zhong\ (9862, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\src\zhong\ (7321, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\src\zhong\ (147, 2009-04-18)
MD5实验\src\zhong\ (578, 2009-04-18)
MD5实验\src\zhong\ (7225, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\src\zhong\ (340, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\bin\zhong (0, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\src\zhong (0, 2009-04-19)
MD5实验\.settings (0, 2009-04-10)
MD5实验\bin (0, 2009-04-10)
MD5实验\src (0, 2009-04-18)
MD5实验 (0, 2009-04-10)


