
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2013-11-08 12:54:49
上 传 者sesero1
说明:  Developing consistent and meaningful benchmark results for code is a complex task. In my I discussed how to use Celero to measure the performance of algorithms in C++.

CMakeLists.txt (5111, 2013-02-04)
include\celero\BenchmarkInfo.h (2646, 2013-02-04)
include\celero\Celero.h (7961, 2013-02-04)
include\celero\Console.h (843, 2013-02-04)
include\celero\Executor.h (499, 2013-02-04)
include\celero\Export.h (523, 2013-02-04)
include\celero\Factory.h (565, 2013-02-04)
include\celero\GenericFactory.h (651, 2013-02-04)
include\celero\Pimpl.h (1190, 2013-02-04)
include\celero\PimplImpl.h (2341, 2013-02-04)
include\celero\Print.h (500, 2013-02-04)
include\celero\ResultTable.h (801, 2013-02-04)
include\celero\TestFixture.h (1460, 2013-02-04)
include\celero\TestVector.h (991, 2013-02-04)
include\celero\Timer.h (760, 2013-02-04)
include\celero\Utilities.h (679, 2013-02-04)
license.txt (584, 2013-02-04)
src\BenchmarkInfo.cpp (4718, 2013-02-04)
src\Celero.cpp (1714, 2013-02-04)
src\Console.cpp (4208, 2013-02-04)
src\DemoSimple.cpp (1504, 2013-02-04)
src\DemoSort.cpp (2588, 2013-02-04)
src\DemoTransform.cpp (3415, 2013-02-04)
src\Executor.cpp (3634, 2013-02-04)
src\Print.cpp (2557, 2013-02-04)
src\ResultTable.cpp (2423, 2013-02-04)
src\TestFixture.cpp (1603, 2013-02-04)
src\TestVector.cpp (2252, 2013-02-04)
src\Timer.cpp (814, 2013-02-04)

Celero C++ Benchmarking Library Copyright 2013 John Farrier Apache 2.0 License Developing consistent and meaningful benchmark results for code is a complex task. Measurement tools exist (Intel VTuneTM Amplifier, SmartBear AQTime, Valgrind) external to applications, but they are sometimes expensive for small teams or cumbersome to utilize. This project, Celero, aims to be a small library which can be added to a C++ project and perform benchmarks on code in a way which is easy to reproduce, share, and compare among individual runs, developers, or projects. Celero uses a framework similar to that of GoogleTest to make its API easier to use and integrate into a project. Make automated benchmarking as much a part of your development process as automated testing. Celero uses CMake to provide cross-platform builds. It does require a modern compiler (Visual C++ 2012 or GCC 4.7+) due to its use of C++11. Once Celero is added to your project. You can create dedicated benchmark projects and source files. For convenience, there is single header file and a CELERO_MAIN macro that can be used to provide a main() for your benchmark project that will automatically execute all of your benchmark tests.


