
上传日期:2013-12-02 15:44:02
上 传 者sywhcsu
说明:  原对偶内点法的matlab程序,应用在matpower潮流计算中
(Primal-dual interior point method matlab procedures used in the calculation of the trend matpower)

tspopf4.1_w32\CHANGES.txt (7411, 2011-11-11)
tspopf4.1_w32\pdipmopf.mexw32 (110592, 2011-11-11)
tspopf4.1_w32\pdipmopfver.m (1049, 2011-11-11)
tspopf4.1_w32\scpdipmopf.mexw32 (110592, 2011-11-11)
tspopf4.1_w32\scpdipmopfver.m (1069, 2011-11-11)
tspopf4.1_w32\tralmopf.mexw32 (118784, 2011-11-11)
tspopf4.1_w32\tralmopfver.m (1049, 2011-11-11)
tspopf4.1_w32\tspopf_solver.m (12157, 2010-06-09)
tspopf4.1_w32 (0, 2013-12-02)

======================================================= TSPOPF - High Performance AC OPF Solvers for MATPOWER ======================================================= Version: 4.1 Home Page: http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/tspopf/ Authors: Hongye Wang Ray Zimmerman Fri, Nov 11, 2011 $Id: README.txt,v 1.19 2011/11/11 18:28:23 cvs Exp $ Copyright (c) 2007-2011 by Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC) See http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/tspopf/ for more info. -------------- INTRODUCTION -------------- TSPOPF is a collection of three high performance AC optimal power flow solvers for use with MATPOWER , a MATLAB(R) power system simulation package. The three solvers are: PDIPM - primal/dual interior point method SCPDIPM - step-controlled primal/dual interior point method TRALM - trust region based augmented Lagrangian method The algorithms are described in: H. Wang, C. E. Murillo-Snchez, R. D. Zimmerman, R. J. Thomas, "On Computational Issues of Market-Based Optimal Power Flow", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 22, No. 3, Aug. 2007, pp. 1185-1193. The PDIPM in particular is significantly faster for large systems than any previous MATPOWER OPF solver, including MINOPF. When TSPOPF is installed, the PDIPM solver becomes the default optimal power flow solver for MATPOWER. Additional options for TSPOPF can be set using mpoption (see 'help mpoption' for details). -------------- TERMS OF USE -------------- - TSPOPF is free of charge. Anyone may use it. - We make no warranties, express or implied. Specifically, we make no guarantees regarding the correctness TSPOPF's code or its fitness for any particular purpose. - Any publications derived from the use of MATPOWER (and TSPOPF) must acknowledge MATPOWER . - Anyone may modify TSPOPF for their own use as long as the original copyright notices remain in place. - TSPOPF may not be redistributed without written permission. - Modified versions of TSPOPF, or works derived from TSPOPF, may not be distributed without written permission. --------------------- SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS --------------------- - MATLAB(R) version 6.5 or later - TRALM requires MATLAB 7.3 or later - Windows builds may require MATLAB 7.3 or later - MATPOWER 4.1 or later -------------- INSTALLATION -------------- 1. Unzip the downloaded file. 2. Place the files in a location on your MATLAB path. --------------------------- WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 4.1 --------------------------- Below is a summary of the changes since version 4.0 of TSPOPF. See the CHANGES file for all the gory details. * New features: - Compatibility with MATPOWER 4.1 (no actual new features). ----------- FILE LIST ----------- CHANGES A detailed change history, with Unix line endings CHANGES.txt A detailed change history, with DOS line endings (for Windows users) pdipmopf.mexglx PDIPMOPF MEX file for 32-bit Linux pdipmopf.mexa*** PDIPMOPF MEX file for ***-bit Linux pdipmopf.mexmac PDIPMOPF MEX file for Mac OS X (PPC) pdipmopf.mexmaci PDIPMOPF MEX file for Mac OS X (Intel 32-bit) pdipmopf.mexmaci*** PDIPMOPF MEX file for Mac OS X (Intel ***-bit) pdipmopf.mexw32 PDIPMOPF MEX file for 32-bit Windows pdipmopf.mexw*** PDIPMOPF MEX file for ***-bit Windows pdipmopfver.m Prints or returns version information for PDIPMOPF. README This file, but with Unix line endings README.txt This file scpdipmopf.mexglx SCPDIPMOPF MEX file 32-bit Linux scpdipmopf.mexa*** SCPDIPMOPF MEX file ***-bit Linux scpdipmopf.mexmac SCPDIPMOPF MEX file for Mac OS X (PPC) scpdipmopf.mexmaci SCPDIPMOPF MEX file Mac OS X (Intel 32-bit) scpdipmopf.mexmaci*** SCPDIPMOPF MEX file Mac OS X (Intel ***-bit) scpdipmopf.mexw32 SCPDIPMOPF MEX file for 32-bit Windows scpdipmopf.mexw*** SCPDIPMOPF MEX file for ***-bit Windows scpdipmopfver.m Prints or returns version information for SCPDIPMOPF. tralmopf.mexglx TRALMOPF MEX file 32-bit Linux tralmopf.mexa*** TRALMOPF MEX file ***-bit Linux tralmopf.mexmac TRALMOPF MEX file for Mac OS X (PPC) tralmopf.mexmaci TRALMOPF MEX file Mac OS X (Intel 32-bit) tralmopf.mexmaci*** TRALMOPF MEX file Mac OS X (Intel ***-bit) tralmopf.mexw32 TRALMOPF MEX file for 32-bit Windows tralmopf.mexw*** TRALMOPF MEX file for ***-bit Windows tralmopfver.m Prints or returns version information for TRALMOPF. tspopf_solver.m OPF solver invoked by MATPOWER's opf() which calls the appropriate MEX file --------- SUPPORT --------- Questions about TSPOPF can be addressed to the MATPOWER mailing list (see ).


