上传日期:2013-12-06 11:41:09
上 传 者fdafdafda
说明:  股票的走势线,精选ios编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。
(The trend of stock line, select learning IOS programming source code, a good reference.)

Default-Landscape~ipad.png (42897, 2012-04-21)
Default-Portrait~ipad.png (42689, 2012-04-21)
Default.png (37807, 2012-04-21)
Default@2x.png (87703, 2012-04-21)
Doxyfile (72400, 2012-04-21)
Icon-72.png (5382, 2012-04-21)
Icon.png (4033, 2012-04-21)
Icon@2x.png (10137, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines (0, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines.png (24541, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines.xcodeproj (0, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines.xcodeproj\project.pbxproj (18782, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines.xcodeproj\project.xcworkspace (0, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines.xcodeproj\project.xcworkspace\contents.xcworkspacedata (155, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines\ASBSparkLineView.h (10322, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines\ASBSparkLineView.m (17653, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines\en.lproj (0, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines\en.lproj\InfoPlist.strings (45, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines\en.lproj\SparklinesViewController_iPad.xib (26974, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines\en.lproj\SparklinesViewController_iPhone.xib (26969, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines\glucose_data.txt (119, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines\heartRate_data.txt (89, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines\main.m (394, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines\Sparklines-Info.plist (1451, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines\Sparklines-Prefix.pch (326, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines\SparklinesAppDelegate.h (1754, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines\SparklinesAppDelegate.m (3991, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines\SparklinesViewController.h (2223, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines\SparklinesViewController.m (9188, 2012-04-21)
Sparklines\temperature_data.txt (149, 2012-04-21)

Sparklines - an iOS Custom View Implementation ---------------------------------------------- Sparklines are small, word-sized graphics showing historical values for a measured data item.They were described by Edward Tufte in his 1***2 book "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information", and are designed to represent a lot of data in a small space. This project is an iOS custom view implementation of sparklines, and is released under the BSD license. While the custom view consists of two Objective-C files, the code is provided as a complete iOS Xcode project that will build and run on Xcode V4.1 or greater (it will probably build and run under earlier versions but I haven't confirmed that). Both the iPhone/iPod Touch and the iPad is supported by this demo. Please read the embedded documentation in the SparklineView.h file; a doxygen config file is also provided, so you can build your own HTML documentation, which includes a graphical explanation of what sparklines are. ------------------------ Andy Belsey, August 2011 ---------------------------------- 2011-10-10 Fixed the pen width issue mentioned by Tim below. Also removed the delegate and view-controller sub-classes to simplify the project. Andy Belsey ---------------------------------- 2011-10-0 Forked from https://github.com/abelsey/Sparklines.git by Tim Duckett tim@timduckett.co.uk / http://adoptioncurve.net Added two additional properties to ASBSparkLineView: UIColor *penColor - UIColor for the sparkline float penWidth - the sparkline with in pixels Note - the draw methods don't adjust for the pen width, so large penWidth value are likely to cause clipping of the sparkline as it intercepts the upper and lower boundaries. Sorry about that :(


