
上传日期:2007-01-21 09:45:24
上 传 者lmf7225115
说明:  用GUI编写的OFDM代码,编写质量高,是学习的好程序,内有doc详细解释。
(prepared using OFDM GUI code, preparation of high quality, is a good learning process, there doc explained in detail.)

ofdm program\channel.m (1346, 2001-12-04)
ofdm program\create_freq_offset.m (400, 2001-11-28)
ofdm program\get_bits_per_symbol.m (380, 2001-11-28)
ofdm program\get_channel_ir.m (1045, 2001-12-04)
ofdm program\get_n_antennas.m (245, 2001-11-13)
ofdm program\get_punc_params.m (554, 2000-02-10)
ofdm program\phase_noise_model.m (1056, 2001-11-28)
ofdm program\receiver.m (2392, 2001-12-04)
ofdm program\runsim.m (2600, 2001-12-04)
ofdm program\rx_bpsk_demod.m (88, 2001-11-12)
ofdm program\rx_deinterleave.m (577, 2001-11-11)
ofdm program\rx_demodulate.m (607, 2001-12-04)
ofdm program\rx_depuncture.m (906, 2001-12-04)
ofdm program\rx_diversity_proc.m (2307, 2001-12-04)
ofdm program\rx_estimate_channel.m (1208, 2001-11-18)
ofdm program\rx_find_packet_edge.m (1524, 2001-12-04)
ofdm program\rx_fine_time_sync.m (1351, 2001-11-17)
ofdm program\rx_frequency_sync.m (1280, 2001-12-04)
ofdm program\rx_gen_chan_amps.m (460, 2001-11-17)
ofdm program\rx_gen_deintlvr_patt.m (444, 2001-11-11)
ofdm program\rx_init_viterbi.m (722, 2001-11-12)
ofdm program\rx_mr_combiner.m (292, 2001-11-17)
ofdm program\rx_phase_tracker.m (596, 2001-11-17)
ofdm program\rx_pilot_phase_est.m (3344, 2001-12-04)
ofdm program\rx_qam16_demod.m (475, 2001-11-11)
ofdm program\rx_qam64_demod.m (1454, 2001-11-28)
ofdm program\rx_qpsk_demod.m (264, 2002-01-24)
ofdm program\rx_radon_hurwitz.m (610, 2001-11-17)
ofdm program\rx_timed_to_freqd.m (1845, 2001-12-04)
ofdm program\rx_viterbi_decode.m (1421, 2001-11-13)
ofdm program\set_sim_consts.m (1297, 2001-11-11)
ofdm program\single_packet.m (741, 2001-12-05)
ofdm program\transmitter.m (3104, 2002-08-28)
ofdm program\tx_add_cyclic_prefix.m (417, 2001-11-11)
ofdm program\tx_add_pilot_syms.m (710, 2001-11-18)
ofdm program\tx_conv_encoder.m (451, 2001-11-11)
ofdm program\tx_diversity.m (256, 2001-11-13)
ofdm program\tx_freqd_to_timed.m (685, 2001-12-05)
ofdm program\tx_gen_intlvr_patt.m (484, 2001-11-11)
... ...

The simulator GUI is started with command 'ui_start' in Matlab command window. WLAN simulation starts by clicking the 'Start Simulation' button in the GUI window. WLAN simulation can be terminated, before set number of packets have been reached by pressing 'control-C'. ##### Version updates and bug fixes January 24th 2002: A bug in file rx_qpsk_demod.m fixed


