上传日期:2014-03-06 09:15:02
上 传 者maliang2013
说明:  语音识别的matlab仿真,有文档详细说明,MFCC特征提取,DTW算法识别。对10个简单语音命令进行识别
(Speech recognition matlab simulation, documentation detailed description, MFCC feature extraction, DTW algorithm to identify. On 10 simple voice command recognition)

myVoice (0, 2014-03-06)
myVoice\dtw.m (1542, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\dtwtest.m (681, 2013-11-15)
myVoice\DTW算法原理分析与源码.doc (90112, 2014-02-17)
myVoice\enframe.exe (266179, 2013-12-30)
myVoice\enframe.m (2207, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\enframe_mex.mexw32 (16384, 2013-12-30)
myVoice\mfcc.m (1310, 2014-02-11)
myVoice\mfcc.mat (177130, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\test (0, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\test\01.wav (46906, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\test\11.wav (64570, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\test\21.wav (59962, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\test\31.wav (59194, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\test\41.wav (36922, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\test\51.wav (46906, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\test\61.wav (37690, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\test\71.wav (36922, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\test\81.wav (38458, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\test\91.wav (43834, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\train (0, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\train.m (361, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\train\00.wav (34618, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\train\10.wav (33850, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\train\20.wav (39994, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\train\30.wav (40762, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\train\40.wav (34618, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\train\50.wav (33850, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\train\60.wav (36922, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\train\70.wav (41530, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\train\80.wav (35386, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\train\90.wav (47674, 2013-11-13)
myVoice\vad.m (4602, 2013-12-12)
myVoice\基于DTW算法的语音识别原理与实现.doc (438272, 2013-11-13)

MATLAB Compiler 1. Prerequisites for Deployment . Verify the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) is installed and ensure you have installed version 8.0 (R2012b). . If the MCR is not installed, do the following: (1) enter >>mcrinstaller at MATLAB prompt. The MCRINSTALLER command displays the location of the MCR Installer. (2) run the MCR Installer. Or download the Windows 32-bit version of the MCR for R2012b from the MathWorks Web site by navigating to http://www.mathworks.com/products/compiler/mcr/index.html For more information about the MCR and the MCR Installer, see Distribution to End Users in the MATLAB Compiler documentation in the MathWorks Documentation Center. NOTE: You will need administrator rights to run MCRInstaller. 2. Files to Deploy and Package Files to package for Standalone ================================ -enframe.exe -MCRInstaller.exe -if end users are unable to download the MCR using the above link, include it when building your component by clicking the "Add MCR" link in the Deployment Tool -This readme file 3. Definitions For information on deployment terminology, go to http://www.mathworks.com/help. Select MATLAB Compiler > Getting Started > About Application Deployment > Application Deployment Terms in the MathWorks Documentation Center.


