
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2014-03-09 13:34:55
上 传 者sunnyapi
说明:  在这部分中提供了由谭浩强编著的《C++程序设计》(清华大学出版社出版)一书中各章的例题程序,以方便教师进行教学,也便于读者上机运行这些程序以及在此基础上修改和调试程序。 程序按章设立文件夹(子目录),如文件夹c12中包含的是第12章全部例题的程序。程序的文件名以c开头,与例题号一一对应,如c5-7.cpp是第5章例5.7的程序。对于教材中同一例题中包含两个或多个程序的,在文件名中加了顺序号,如c10-4-1.cpp是例10.4的第1个程序,c10-4-2.cpp是例10.4的第2个程序。 教材中所有的程序都是符合C++标准规定的,在GCC中能通过,但有的程序在Visual C++ 6.0中通不过。如果在Visual C++ 6.0环境下运行程序,需要对程序作一些修改。例如,如果程序c10-4-1.cpp在Visual C++ 6.0环境下编译,第1行应改为“include <iostream.h>”,并将第2行“using namespace std ”取消即可顺利通过编译,其他类似。我们在教材的例题程序中还提供了能在Visual C++ 6.0环境下运行的程序,在文件名中加了"(VC)"字样,如c10-4-2(VC) 表示它是对程序c10-4-2修改后能用于Visual C++ 6.0环境的程序。
(Provided by Hemopurification edited "C++ Programming" ( Tsinghua University Press) , a book chapters Example procedures to facilitate the teaching of teachers , but also facilitate the reader machine and run these programs on this basis in this section modify and debug procedures. Program set up folders ( subdirectories ) by chapter , as contained in the folder c12 are all examples of the Chapter 12 process . Program s file name beginning with c , number one correspondence with examples , such as the c5-7.cpp program examples in Chapter 5 is 5.7 . For the same textbook example contains two or more programs , and in the file name plus a sequential number, such as c10-4-1.cpp is a program of section 10.4 , c10-4-2.cpp are cases 10.4 the first two programs. All program materials are in line with the C++ standard in the GCC through , but some programs in Visual C++ 6.0 in the pass .++ If you run the program under Visual C 6.0 environment , you need to make some modifications to the progr)

examples (0, 2014-03-09)
examples\c1 (0, 2014-03-09)
examples\c10 (0, 2014-03-09)
examples\c10\c10-1.cpp (595, 2003-12-09)
examples\c10\c10-10-2.cpp (634, 2003-12-17)
examples\c10\c10-10.cpp (576, 2003-12-17)
examples\c10\c10-2-2.cpp (583, 2003-12-10)
examples\c10\c10-2.cpp (604, 2003-12-09)
examples\c10\c10-3.cpp (650, 2003-12-10)
examples\c10\c10-4-1.cpp (425, 2004-11-15)
examples\c10\c10-4-2(VC).cpp (693, 2004-12-04)
examples\c10\c10-4-2.cpp (688, 2004-12-04)
examples\c10\c10-4-3(VC).cpp (1065, 2004-12-04)
examples\c10\c10-4-3.cpp (1059, 2004-12-04)
examples\c10\c10-4-4(VC).cpp (1392, 2004-11-15)
examples\c10\c10-4-4.cpp (1387, 2004-02-17)
examples\c10\c10-5.cpp (460, 2003-12-11)
examples\c10\c10-6.cpp (740, 2003-12-11)
examples\c10\c10-7(VC).cpp (603, 2003-12-22)
examples\c10\c10-7.cpp (589, 2004-02-18)
examples\c10\c10-8(VC).cpp (656, 2004-02-18)
examples\c10\c10-8.cpp (620, 2003-12-11)
examples\c10\c10-9.cpp (343, 2004-02-18)
examples\c11 (0, 2014-03-09)
examples\c11\c11-1.cpp (987, 2004-12-04)
examples\c11\c11-10.cpp (899, 2003-12-29)
examples\c11\c11-2.cpp (627, 2004-12-04)
examples\c11\c11-3.cpp (1165, 2004-12-04)
examples\c11\c11-5.cpp (1452, 2004-12-04)
examples\c11\c11-6.cpp (1648, 2003-12-28)
examples\c11\c11-7.txt (1711, 2004-12-04)
examples\c11\c11-8.cpp (1780, 2003-12-28)
examples\c11\c11-9.cpp (1849, 2004-11-15)
examples\c12 (0, 2014-03-09)
examples\c12\c12-1-1(VC).cpp (732, 2004-11-16)
examples\c12\c12-1-1.cpp (728, 2004-11-16)
examples\c12\c12-1-2(VC).cpp (1506, 2004-11-16)
examples\c12\c12-1-2.cpp (1502, 2004-11-16)
examples\c12\c12-1-3(VC).cpp (2420, 2003-12-30)
examples\c12\c12-1-3.cpp (2440, 2003-12-30)
... ...


