
上传日期:2014-03-17 11:17:55
上 传 者阿桑666
说明:  drawplot_demo 代码,可能有点乱
(drawplot_demo code, may be a bit messy)

src\classes\com\draww\draww.ctf (149133, 2013-10-09)
src\classes\com\draww\DrawwMCRFactory.class (1796, 2013-10-09)
src\classes\com\draww\myclass.class (3865, 2013-10-09)
src\classes\com\draww\myclassRemote.class (321, 2013-10-09)
src\com\draww\ (1900, 2013-10-09)
src\com\draww\ (8492, 2013-10-09)
src\com\draww\ (2977, 2013-10-09)
src\com\draww\ (2610, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\allclasses-frame.html (946, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\allclasses-noframe.html (886, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\com\drawplot\DrawplotMCRFactory.html (7853, 2013-09-23)
src\doc\html\com\drawplot\package-frame.html (986, 2013-09-23)
src\doc\html\com\drawplot\package-summary.html (8495, 2013-09-23)
src\doc\html\com\drawplot\package-tree.html (4360, 2013-09-23)
src\doc\html\com\drawplot\plotter.html (20260, 2013-09-23)
src\doc\html\com\drawplot\plotterRemote.html (9727, 2013-09-23)
src\doc\html\com\draww\DrawwMCRFactory.html (9064, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\com\draww\myclass.html (21735, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\com\draww\myclassRemote.html (10750, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\com\draww\package-frame.html (1230, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\com\draww\package-summary.html (9555, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\com\draww\package-tree.html (5619, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\constant-values.html (4823, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\deprecated-list.html (5661, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\help-doc.html (7445, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\index-all.html (10829, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\index.html (1195, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\overview-tree.html (5567, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\package-list (11, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\resources\background.gif (2313, 2013-09-23)
src\doc\html\resources\inherit.gif (57, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\resources\tab.gif (291, 2013-09-23)
src\doc\html\resources\titlebar.gif (10701, 2013-09-23)
src\doc\html\resources\titlebar_end.gif (849, 2013-09-23)
src\doc\html\stylesheet.css (1326, 2013-10-09)
src\drawplot.jar (57374, 2013-09-23)
src\draww.jar (137548, 2013-10-09)
src\mccExcludedFiles.log (470313, 2013-10-09)
src\doc\html\com\drawplot (0, 2013-09-23)
... ...

MATLAB Builder JA Read Me 1. Prerequisites for Deployment . Verify the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) is installed and ensure you have installed version 7.15. . If the MCR is not installed, run MCRInstaller, located in: *\toolbox\compiler\deploy\win32\MCRInstaller.exe For more information on the MCR Installer, see the MATLAB Compiler documentation. . Ensure you have the version (1.6.0) of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). See section 5A. . draww.jar must be included in your CLASSPATH. . javabuilder.jar must be included in your CLASSPATH. NOTE: You will need administrator right to run MCRInstaller. 2. Files to Deploy and Package -draww.jar -MCRInstaller.exe - include when building component by clicking "Add MCR" link in deploytool -Javadoc - javadoc for draww is in the doc directory. While distributing the javadoc, this entire directory should be distributed. -This readme file 3. Resources To learn more about: See: ================================================================================= Deploying Java applications on the Web MATLAB Builder JA User's Guide Examples of Java Web Applications Application Deployment Web Example Guide 4. Definitions For a complete list of product terminology, go to and select MATLAB Builder JA. * NOTE: is the directory where MATLAB is installed on the target machine. 5. Appendix A. On the target machine, add the MCR directory to the system path specified by the target system's environment variable. i. Locate the name of the environment variable to set, using the table below: Operating System Environment Variable ================ ==================== Windows PATH Linux LD_LIBRARY_PATH Mac DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH ii. Set the path by doing one of the following: NOTE: is the directory where MCR is installed on the target machine. On Windows systems: . Add the MCR directory to the environment variable by opening a command prompt and issuing the DOS command, specifying either win32 or win***: set PATH=\v715\runtime\{win32|win***};%PATH% Alternately, for Windows, add the following pathname: \v715\runtime\{win32|win***} to the PATH environment variable, specifying either win32 or win***, by doing the following: 1. Right click Computer from Start Menu. 2. Click Properties. 3. Click Advanced System Settings. 4. Click Environment Variables. On Linux or Mac systems: . Add the MCR directory to the environment variable by issuing the following commands: Linux setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /v715/runtime/glnx86: /v715/sys/os/glnx86: /v715/sys/java/jre/glnx86/jre/lib/i386/native_threads: /v715/sys/java/jre/glnx86/jre/lib/i386/server: /v715/sys/java/jre/glnx86/jre/lib/i386 setenv XAPPLRESDIR /v715/X11/app-defaults Linux x86-*** setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /v715/runtime/glnxa***: /v715/sys/os/glnxa***: /v715/sys/java/jre/glnxa***/jre/lib/amd***/native_threads: /v715/sys/java/jre/glnxa***/jre/lib/amd***/server: /v715/sys/java/jre/glnxa***/jre/lib/amd*** setenv XAPPLRESDIR /v715/X11/app-defaults Maci*** setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH /v715/runtime/maci***: /v715/sys/os/maci***: /v715/bin/maci***: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/JavaVM: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Libraries setenv XAPPLRESDIR /v715/X11/app-defaults NOTE: To make these changes persistent after logout on Linux or Mac machines, modify the .cshrc file to include this setenv command. NOTE: On Windows, the environment variable syntax utilizes backslashes (\), delimited by semi-colons (;). On Linux or Mac, the environment variable syntax utilizes forward slashes (/), delimited by colons (:). NOTE: On Maci***, ensure you are using ***-bit JVM.


