
上传日期:2014-04-15 01:26:05
上 传 者therockers
说明:  OnGuard is a library to create demo versions of your Borland Delphi & C++Builder applications. Create demo versions that are time-limited, feature-limited, limited to a certain number of uses, or limited to a certain # of concurrent network users.

TurboPower OnGuard 1.11\fatigue.nfo (5128, 2001-09-20)
TurboPower OnGuard 1.11\Setup_Onguard_1_11.exe (2161047, 2001-09-18)
TurboPower OnGuard 1.11 (0, 2014-04-14)

Last Minute News about OnGuard 1.11 -- General Information -- LICENSE.TXT, located in the product directory, is the license agreement that applies to this product. Refer to the DEPLOY.HLP file in the \REDIST directory for information concerning the deployment of packages. -- Additional DLL's -- Since OnGuard uses some OLE routines, you must insure that your users machines have the COMPOBJ.DLL installed. This DLL is part of a normal Windows 9x and NT/2000 installation, but it may be missing from some Windows 3.1x installations. -- Package naming -- To avoid version conflicts with applications using different versions of the OnGuard packages, each new version of OnGuard will come with packages using slightly different names. TurboPower's current package naming convention is as follows: 1) The first letter represents one of the TurboPower products (G for OnGuard) 2) The next three digits are the product version number (111 for 1.11) 3) Two product-specific digits (_R for run-time, or _D for design) 4) The last two digits represent the VCL version (30, 35, 40, 41, 50, 51, 60) The OnGuard run-time packages and design packages for Delphi 3/4/5 and C++Builder 3/4/5 are: G111_R30.DPL, G111_D30.DPL Delphi 3 G111_R40.BPL, G111_D40.BPL Delphi 4 G111_R50.BPL, G111_D50.BPL Delphi 5 G111_R60.BPL, G111_D60.BPL Delphi 6 G111_R35.BPL, G111_D35.BPL C++Builder 3 G111_R41.BPL, G111_D41.BPL C++Builder 4 G111_R51.BPL, G111_D51.BPL C++Builder 5 -- Installation -- OnGuard help and the design-time package are automatically installed into Delphi (3, 4, 5, 6) and C++Builder (3, 4, 5) if OnGuard is installed using the setup program. If you are upgrading by using a patch, you will need to use the "Install Packages" menu option to install the OnGuard design-time package (G111_DXX.DPL/BPL). In order for the run-time package (G111_RXX.DPL/BPL) to be "seen" by the IDE (and the design-time package) you need to copy it to the Windows system directory (\System for Win9x or \System32 for NT and 2000) or add the OnGuard directory to your path. Be sure to alter the IDE's library path so that it includes the path to the OnGuard source files so that it can find the OnGuard source files. Or, add the OnGuard path to your system Path environment. -- Help Installation -- To manually install the OnGuard help into Delphi 4 or 5, select Help|Customize on the IDE's main menu, pick Edit|Add Files, and add the ONGUARD.CNT file found in OnGuard's Help subdirectory. To manually install the OnGuard help into C++Builder 3, 4, or 5, select Help|Customize on the IDE's main menu, pick Edit|Add Files, and add the ONGRDBCB.CNT file found in OnGuard's Help subdirectory. To manually install the OnGuard help into Delphi 3, edit the Delphi3.cnt file (in the Delphi Help directory) and add the following line to the "index" section: :Index OnGuard Reference =C:\OnGuard\Help\Delphi\OnGuard.hlp and then delete the Delphi3.cfg (in the Delphi Help directory). -- UnInstall -- To completely uninstall OnGuard, perform the following steps: 1. Uninstall the packages from the IDE. 2. Uninstall the product using the Windows control panel "Add/Remove Programs". -- C++ Builder header files -- The header files for C++Builder (.hpp) are not compatible between compiler versions 1.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0, yet the names are the same. So OnGuard installs the header files for each selected compiler into the \OnGuard\Headers directory in a subdirectory for the appropriate compiler version. Be sure to specify the header file directory in the compiler's include path. You can regenerate the header files at any time using the DCC32 command line compiler with -jphn as the command line options: \CBuilder\bin\dcc32 -M -jphn -$D- -$L- -$S- -$Y- OGREG.PAS -- Using the OGFIRST unit in C++Builder -- The OGFIRST unit of OnGuard contains routines to check for a second instance of your application. In order to use these routines you need to manually include the OGFIRST header: #include "OgFirst.hpp" In addition you will need to add the OGFIRST.OBJ file to your project. Use the Add to Project option to add this file to your project. The EXINST example program demonstrates use of the OGFIRST routines.


