
上传日期:2014-04-17 15:35:34
上 传 者457273
说明:  delphi 快速图像处理代码,修改版,可用于多版本delphi 。
(delphi fast write hooks, and write very well.)

TFastBmp\Demo\fastbmp.bmp (77880, 1999-01-19)
TFastBmp\Demo\sample.bmp (77880, 1999-01-19)
TFastBmp\Demo\Source\Project1.dpr (679, 1999-01-19)
TFastBmp\Demo\Source\Unit1.dfm (3181, 1999-01-19)
TFastBmp\Demo\Source\Unit1.pas (6942, 1999-01-20)
TFastBmp\Demo\Source\Unit2.dfm (1048, 1999-01-19)
TFastBmp\Demo\Source\Unit2.pas (1397, 1999-01-19)
TFastBmp\Demo\Source\Unit3.dfm (1326, 1999-01-19)
TFastBmp\Demo\Source\Unit3.pas (2037, 1999-01-19)
TFastBmp\Demo\Source\Unit4.dfm (994, 1999-01-19)
TFastBmp\Demo\Source\Unit4.pas (1395, 1999-01-19)
TFastBmp\Demo\Source\Unit5.dfm (1413, 1999-01-19)
TFastBmp\Demo\Source\Unit5.pas (2023, 1999-01-19)
TFastBmp\Demo\Source\Unit6.dfm (1428, 1999-01-19)
TFastBmp\Demo\Source\Unit6.pas (2139, 1999-01-19)
TFastBmp\Demo\Source\Unit7.dfm (1499, 1999-01-19)
TFastBmp\Demo\Source\Unit7.pas (1635, 1999-01-19)
TFastBmp\FastBMP.pas (10535, 1999-01-14)
TFastBmp\FastFX.pas (32145, 1999-01-20)
TFastBmp\FastRGB.pas (1203, 1999-01-20)

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