
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2014-05-07 15:30:31
上 传 者frankstyle520s
说明:  编写一个程序,反应病人到医院看病,排队看医生的情况。在病人排队的过程中,主要重复两件事: (1)病人到达诊室,将病历本交给护士,排到等待队列中等候诊。 (2)护士从等待队中列中取出一位病人的病例,该病人进入诊室就诊。 要求模拟病人等待就诊这一过程。程序采用菜单方式,器选项及功能说明如下: 1排队——输入排队病人的病历号,加入到病人排队队列中。 2就诊——病人排队队列中最前面的病人就诊,并将其从列队中删除。 3查看队列——从队首到队尾列出所有的排队病人的病历号。 4不在排队,余下依次就诊——从队首到队尾列出所有的排队病人的病历号,并退出运行。 5下班——退出运行。
(Write a program, the patient' s response to the hospital, see a doctor lined case. In patients queuing process is repeated two main things: (1) the patient reaches the clinic, the medical records to the nurse, discharged moderate waiting queue. (2) the nurse removed the case from a patient waiting for the team column, the patient enters the clinic for treatment. Asked simulated patients waiting for treatment in the process. The program is menu mode options and functions are as follows: 1 queuing- queued input patient medical record number, added to the patient queue queue. 2 treatment- patients queuing in front of the patient visits the queue, and remove it from the queue. 3 View Queue- The queue lists all patient records number from the end of the first team to team. 4 does not line up, followed by the remaining treatment- from the first team to the tail of the queue lists all the patient' s medical record number, and quit running. 5 work- quit running.)

seedoctor\1.dsp (3341, 2013-04-12)
seedoctor\1.dsw (510, 2013-04-12)
seedoctor\1.ncb (33792, 2013-04-12)
seedoctor\1.opt (48640, 2013-04-12)
seedoctor\1.plg (723, 2013-04-12)
seedoctor\Debug\1.exe (254011, 2013-04-12)
seedoctor\Debug\1.ilk (364268, 2013-04-12)
seedoctor\Debug\1.obj (14160, 2013-04-12)
seedoctor\Debug\1.pch (1997324, 2013-04-12)
seedoctor\Debug\1.pdb (566272, 2013-04-12)
seedoctor\Debug\seedoctor.exe (184387, 2013-04-28)
seedoctor\Debug\seedoctor.ilk (255640, 2013-04-28)
seedoctor\Debug\seedoctor.obj (9239, 2013-04-28)
seedoctor\Debug\seedoctor.pch (175388, 2013-04-12)
seedoctor\Debug\seedoctor.pdb (443392, 2013-04-28)
seedoctor\Debug\vc60.idb (74752, 2013-04-28)
seedoctor\Debug\vc60.pdb (102400, 2013-04-28)
seedoctor\Debug (0, 2014-05-07)
seedoctor\seedoctor.docx (25182, 2014-05-07)
seedoctor\~$109余啸.docx (162, 2014-05-07)
seedoctor (0, 2014-05-07)


