
上传日期:2014-05-10 17:18:37
上 传 者qszesclzw
说明:  nonmaxsup——非最大值抑制 hysthresh——设定阈值区间,返回一个二值化图像 canny——边缘探测,图像边缘增强 adjgamma——调整图像的伽马值 findline——利用线性Hough变换和Canny边缘探测得到的线上各点的坐标 circlecoords——返回由圆的半径和圆心坐标决定的圆上各点像素的坐标 houghcircle——取一幅经过canny变换的图像,利用hough变换找到图像中的一个圆 findcircle——计算所得线上各点的坐标归纳出一个圆的半径和圆心,确定该圆的各点坐标 gaborconvolve——利用一维盖伯滤波器对图像进行处理 gethammingdistance ——返回两幅虹膜图像提取的特征码之间的海明距离 linecoords——返回一条线的上各点的x,y坐标值
(nonmaxsup- non-maximum suppression hysthresh- set the threshold range, returns a binary image canny- edge detection, image edge enhancement adjgamma- adjust the image' s gamma value findline- linear Hough transform and Canny edge detection get the coordinates of each point circlecoords online- Returns coordinate houghcircle on the circle of the radius and center coordinates of the points decision pixels- After taking a picture canny transformation, using hough transform to find the image of a circle findcircle- the calculated coordinates of each point line summed up a circle of radius and center, to determine the coordinates of each point of the circle gaborconvolve- using a 维盖伯 filter for image processing gethammingdistance- returns two iris images extracted linecoords Hamming distance between the signature- a return line to the points on the x, y coordinate values)

0033_006.bmp (308278, 2004-11-08)
0023_006.bmp-houghpara.mat (261919, 2008-12-19)
0025_001.bmp-houghpara.mat (251373, 2008-12-19)
0025_006.bmp-houghpara.mat (250228, 2008-12-19)
0025_002.bmp-houghpara.mat (240812, 2008-12-19)
0033_006.bmp-houghpara.mat (240603, 2008-12-19)
testP.jpg (41058, 2008-12-16)
normaliseiris.m (5407, 2008-12-20)
createiristemplate.m (3885, 2008-12-19)
hough.txt (3809, 2008-12-12)
nonmaxsup.m (3699, 2008-12-09)
segmentiris.m (3684, 2008-12-19)
hysthresh.m (3340, 2008-12-09)
writeoriginal.m (2817, 2008-12-19)
gaborconvolve.m (2618, 2008-12-17)
findcircle.m (2499, 2008-12-19)
encode.m (2490, 2008-12-17)
Untitled.m (2350, 2008-12-19)
canny.m (2180, 2008-12-09)
gethammingdistance.m (1780, 2008-12-09)
final2.m (1709, 2008-12-20)
circlecoords.m (1691, 2008-12-09)
shiftbits.m (1622, 2008-12-09)
addcircle.m (1503, 2008-12-09)
findline.m (1420, 2008-12-19)
说明.txt (1202, 2009-02-25)
houghcircle.m (979, 2008-12-09)
adjgamma.m (864, 2008-12-09)
linecoords.m (847, 2008-12-09)
final1.m (755, 2008-12-19)
final.m (552, 2008-10-22)
0023_006.bmp (308278, 2004-11-08)
0025_006.bmp (308278, 2004-11-08)
虹膜识别+源代码+matlab+霍夫变换+hough变换+2\0033_006.bmp (308278, 2004-11-08)
虹膜识别+源代码+matlab+霍夫变换+hough变换+2\0023_006.bmp-houghpara.mat (261919, 2008-12-19)
虹膜识别+源代码+matlab+霍夫变换+hough变换+2\0025_001.bmp-houghpara.mat (251373, 2008-12-19)
虹膜识别+源代码+matlab+霍夫变换+hough变换+2\0025_006.bmp-houghpara.mat (250228, 2008-12-19)
虹膜识别+源代码+matlab+霍夫变换+hough变换+2\0025_002.bmp-houghpara.mat (240812, 2008-12-19)
虹膜识别+源代码+matlab+霍夫变换+hough变换+2\0033_006.bmp-houghpara.mat (240603, 2008-12-19)
... ...

Introduction ------------ I have made the MATLAB source code for my system publicly available for research and testing purposes. For details of the underlying scientific principles please download my dissertation, available on the main project page. Limitations ----------- The system basically inputs an eye image, and outputs a binary biometric template. Also included is code for calculating the Hamming distance between templates, which is required for matching of templates. I have not included code for storage of templates into a database, and code for determining match performance, although I may make this code available at a later stage. A database of eye images is available from the Chinese Academy of Sciences at: Terms and Conditions -------------------- This code is distributed without any warranty. If you use this code or any portions of the source code in any publications you must make reference to it as follows. Libor Masek, Peter Kovesi. MATLAB Source Code for a Biometric Identification System Based on Iris Patterns. The School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, The University of Western Australia. 2003. An electronic copy of any such publications must be forwarded to: You may modify the code, however, acknowledgement to the original author must remain. Libor Masek November 2003


