
上传日期:2014-06-04 14:32:16
上 传 者
说明:  实现手机上的Threes!游戏,在浏览器上轻松玩耍,也可以利用手机浏览器玩耍
(Achieve Threes phone! Game, easy to play in the browser, you can also use your phone' s browser to play)

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... ...

# Threes! This is a copy of the popular iOS game [Threes!](!/id779157948?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D2) with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is still under construction but a demo is availbale [here]( The demo is tested on the lastest version of Chrome. You can report bugs in the [issues]( ## About the game The primary goal of the game is to make a number as big as you can before you run out of moves. Rules: * 1+2=3 * 3 and bigger numbers merge with itself: 3+3=6, 6+6=12... * All the movable cards move together. ## Development Steps before see it locally: 1. install [Node.js]( 2. install [Bower]( and [Grunt]( `npm install -g bower && npm install -g grunt-cli` 3. open the dictionary of this repository and run: ``` npm install bower install grunt ``` If you want to change any JavaScript or CSS codes, run `grunt watch` in advance to make the changes work.


