
上传日期:2014-06-12 13:39:14
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说明:  飞思卡尔imx6系列 开发板 Linux 环境下VPU 测试程序
(Freescale imx6 series development board VPU test procedure in the Linux environment )

mxc_vpu_test (0, 2011-08-16)
mxc_vpu_test\ (470, 2011-05-19)
mxc_vpu_test\ (388, 2011-05-19)
mxc_vpu_test\capture.c (4351, 2011-07-22)
mxc_vpu_test\configs (0, 2011-08-16)
mxc_vpu_test\configs\akiyo.mp4 (68010, 2011-05-19)
mxc_vpu_test\configs\config_dec (1309, 2011-05-19)
mxc_vpu_test\configs\config_enc (1068, 2011-05-19)
mxc_vpu_test\configs\config_encdec (2088, 2011-05-19)
mxc_vpu_test\configs\config_net (2825, 2011-05-19)
mxc_vpu_test\dec.c (50466, 2011-07-26)
mxc_vpu_test\display.c (30975, 2011-07-26)
mxc_vpu_test\enc.c (36539, 2011-07-26)
mxc_vpu_test\fb.c (2707, 2011-05-19)
mxc_vpu_test\loopback.c (11226, 2011-07-22)
mxc_vpu_test\main.c (12870, 2011-07-22)
mxc_vpu_test\Makefile (749, 2011-05-19)
mxc_vpu_test\utils.c (16590, 2011-05-19)
mxc_vpu_test\vpu_jpegtable.h (5591, 2011-05-19)
mxc_vpu_test\vpu_test.h (7093, 2011-07-25)

Some examples: For H.2*** decode ./mxc_vpu_test.out -D "-i /usr/vectors/h2***/vga.2*** -f 2" For MPEG4 decode with rotation ./mxc_vpu_test.out -D "-i /usr/vectors/mp4/d1.mpeg4 -f 0 -r 90" Using the config file ./mxc_vpu_test.out -C config_dec For H.2*** encode ./mxc_vpu_test.out -E "-o out.2*** -w 240 -h 320 -f 2" Doing a simultaneous encode and decode ./mxc_vpu_test.out -E "-o enc.2*** -w 176 -h 144 -f 0" -D "-i /vectors/vga.2*** -f 2" Using the loopback test (The enocoded image from the camera is decoded immediately) ./mxc_vpu_test.out -L "-f 2 -w 240 -h 320 -t 1" Network use case: Board 1 (IP = ./mxc_vpu_test.out -D "-f 2 -s 1 -t 1" -E "-n -w 240 -h 320 -f 2 -t 1" Board 2 (IP = ./mxc_vpu_test.out -D "-f 2 -s 2 -t 1" -E "-n -w 240 -h 320 -f 2 -t 1" Note: 1) Please don't select "-u" option on MX27 since there is no IPU rotation on MX27. 2) Suggest to enable prescan option by "-s 1" in decoder to scan streaming buffer to check data is enough or not to prevent vpu hang in network use case. 3) Suggest to enable CbCr interleave by "-t 1" since performance is better. Usage: ./mxc_vpu_test.out -D "" -E "" -L "" -C -H display this help decode options -i Read input from file If no input file is specified, default is network -o Write output to file If no output is specified, default is LCD -f 0 - MPEG4, 1 - H.263, 2 - H.2***, 3 - VC1, 4 - MPEG2, 5 - DIV3, 6 - RV, 7 - MJPG, If no format specified, default is 0 (MPEG4) -l 0 - MPEG4, 1 - DIVX 5.0 or higher, 2 - XVID, 5 - DIVX4.0 This flag is effective when 'f' flag is 0 (MPEG4). -p UDP port number to bind If no port number is secified, 5555 is used -c Number of frames to decode -d Enable deblock - 1. enabled default deblock is disabled (0). -e Enable dering - 1. enabled default dering is disabled (0). -r 0, 90, 180, 270 default rotation is disabled (0) -m 0, 1, 2, 3 default no mirroring (0) -u Using IPU rotation for display - 1. IPU rotation default is VPU rotation(0). This flag is effective when 'r' flag is specified. -w display picture width default is source picture width. -h display picture height default is source picture height -t CbCr interleaved default is none-interleave(0). -s Enable prescan in decoding - 1. enabled default is disabled. encode options -i Read input from file (yuv) If no input file specified, default is camera -o Write output to file This option will be ignored if 'n' is specified If no output is specified, def files are created -n Send output to this IP address -p UDP port number at server If no port number is secified, 5555 is used -f 0 - MPEG4, 1 - H.263, 2 - H.2***, 3 - VC1, 7 - MJPG If no format specified, default is 0 (MPEG4) -c Number of frames to encode -r 0, 90, 180, 270 default rotation is disabled (0) -m 0, 1, 2, 3 default no mirroring (0) -w capture image width default is 176. -h capture image height default is 144 -b default is auto (0) -g default is 0 -t CbCr interleaved default is none-interleave(0). loopback options -f 0 - MPEG4, 1 - H.263, 2 - H.2***, 3 - VC1, 7 - MJPG If no format specified, default is 0 (MPEG4) -w capture image width default is 176. -h capture image height default is 144 -t CbCr interleaved default is none-interleave(0). config file - Use config file for specifying options


