
上传日期:2014-06-13 23:29:07
上 传 者iamllz
说明:  同步挤压小波变换的源代码以及几个实例,这些代码由作者Gaurav Thakur等人编写,非常经典。
(synchroqueezing wavelet transform)

synsq_toolbox_v1.1 (0, 2014-06-02)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\compile_synsq.m (376, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\curve_ext.c (3887, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\curve_ext.m (894, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\curve_ext.mexw32 (7680, 2014-05-27)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\curve_ext_multi.m (1817, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\curve_ext_recon.m (1039, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\curve_ext_snr.m (1206, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\cwt_adm.m (885, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\cwt_bd_loc.m (764, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\cwt_freq.m (2424, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\cwt_freq_direct.m (1455, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\cwt_fw.m (3296, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\cwt_iw.m (1778, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\dft_fw.m (1165, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\diff_mex.c (2146, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\diff_mex.mexw32 (7168, 2014-05-27)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\equantile.m (2559, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\est_riskshrink_thresh.m (1120, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\example_trial.mat (13108, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\exportfig.m (32123, 2014-05-27)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\ex_new.eps (1491545, 2014-06-02)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\ex_nonunif.eps (159443, 2014-06-02)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\gen_nonunif_fig.m (2425, 2014-06-02)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\gen_paleo_figs.m (12867, 2014-06-02)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\gen_simple_ex_fig.m (1498, 2014-06-02)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\gen_subsamp_ex.m (2363, 2014-05-27)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\gen_synsq_vs_stft_wavelet.m (4090, 2014-05-27)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\gen_synsq_vs_tfr.m (2143, 2014-05-27)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\gen_wavelet_cmp.m (2153, 2014-06-02)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\gsynsq.fig (22968, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\gsynsq.m (25652, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\ieee_paleo_synsq.eps (6402854, 2014-06-02)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\interp_synsq_file.m (1043, 2014-05-27)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\labeltext.m (248, 2014-05-27)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\p2up.m (659, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\padsignal.m (215, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\paleoclimate (0, 2014-05-22)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\paleoclimate\ (22440, 2014-05-27)
synsq_toolbox_v1.1\paleoclimate\ (21068, 2014-05-27)
... ...

Code used to generate figures for the article: G. Thakur, E. Brevdo, N.S. Fu\v{c}kar, and H-T. Wu. The Synchrosqueezing algorithm for time-varying spectral analysis: robustness properties and new paleoclimate applications. 2012. Authors: Eugene Brevdo ( If you use this code in your research, please include the citations to this paper and code. Requirements -------------- This code uses the Synchrosqueezing toolbox v1.1, which can be found on the author's website: Some scripts (those that use the STFT) also need the the time-frequency analysis matlab toolbox, which can be found here: Installation ------------- 0. You need to download the Synchrosqueezing and TF toolboxes from the Requirements section. Follow their instructions to install. 1. Extract the zip in an empty directory. 2. Add the new directory to your path; e.g., run: addpath synsq_timevar_robust_paper; addpath synsq_timevar_robust_paper/paleoclimate; addpath synsq_timevar_robust_paper/util; 3. Go into the new directory and run the figure generation scripts one at a time. These will create .eps figures in this directory. Descriptions of Matlab Scripts ------------------------------- gen_nonunif_fig: Generates an example with discontinuities and other interesting properties. gen_paleo_figs: Generates most of the figures used in the paleoclimate section gen_simple_ex_fig: Generates the first, simple, example figure gen_subsamp_ex: Generates an example in which a nonuniformly subsampled signal is processed. gen_synsq_vs_stft_wavelet: Compares Synchrosqueezing to the STFT. gen_synsq_vs_tfr: Compares Synchrosqueezing synthesis to state-of-the-art transforms: the reassigned WVD and the reassigned STFT. gen_wavelet_cmp: Compares Synchrosqueezing to the Wavelet transform.


