上传日期:2014-06-27 15:09:06
上 传 者shefooha
说明:  This is Time-frequency representation tool which I found. When I analysed Fourier transform of some signal, it was very useful.

ltfat\auditory\audfiltbw.m (1772, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\auditory\auditoryinit.m (844, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\auditory\audspace.m (2517, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\auditory\audspacebw.m (3561, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\auditory\audtofreq.m (2251, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\auditory\Contents.m (1859, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\auditory\erbspace.m (1198, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\auditory\erbspacebw.m (1313, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\auditory\erbtofreq.m (1409, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\auditory\freqtoaud.m (5248, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\auditory\freqtoerb.m (1191, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\auditory\gammatonefir.m (5278, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\auditory\rangecompress.m (2431, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\auditory\rangeexpand.m (2053, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\auditory\semiaudplot.m (2607, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\AUTHORS (261, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\block.m (13493, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\blockana.m (7462, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\blockdevices.m (1954, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\blockdone.m (1072, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\blockfigure.m (2167, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\blockframeaccel.m (3216, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\blockframepairaccel.m (2166, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\blockpanel.m (2332, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\blockpanelget.m (2306, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\blockplay.m (1067, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\blockplot.m (1453, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\blockprocinit.m (2813, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\blockread.m (7362, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\blocksyn.m (6429, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\block_fwt.m (2939, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\block_ifwt.m (1974, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\Contents.m (1407, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\java\blockproc.jar (18098, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\java\Makefile_mac (23, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\java\Makefile_mingw (257, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\java\Makefile_unix (278, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\java\net\sourceforge\ltfat\ (11022, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\java\net\sourceforge\ltfat\ (9442, 2013-09-13)
ltfat\blockproc\java\net\sourceforge\ltfat\ (3104, 2013-09-13)
... ...

To use the toolbox, 'cd' to this directory and execute 'ltfatstart'. In Octave you can put this command in your ~/.octaverc file. Directory struture. The toolbox is organized in subdirectories as follows: fourier - Fourier analysis, DCT/DST transforms and filters. gabor - Gabor, Wilson and WMDCT analysis and synthesis functions. filterbank - Filter banks. nonstatgab - Non-stationary Gabor frames. sparsereg - Tools for sparse regression of Gabor and Wilson systems. sigproc - A collection of simple, signal processing tools. auditory - Auditory scales and common filters types. demos - Demos signals - Test signals for use with the examples. comp - Computational subroutines. These should not be called directly. src - C implementation of the most computationally intensive routines. mex - Mex files to speed up the toolbox (if compiled) oct - Octave C++-files to speed up the toolbox (if compiled) The file INSTALL contains instructions for compiling the C-library and the Octave and Matlab interfaces.


