
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2014-07-24 12:12:41
上 传 者JoeYxj
说明:  这里例子代码展示了如何在AutoCAD里面创建用户自己的非模态对话框。源代码显示了所有的使用技巧和注意事项。
(The code is demonstrating the skills how to create a modeless dialog in AutoCAD. It shows all the tricks and notes.)

modeless\AdskDMgr.h (2057, 2013-12-11)
modeless\arxmfctmpl.cpp (2438, 2013-12-11)
modeless\dbReactor.h (840, 2013-12-11)
modeless\docReactor.h (834, 2013-12-11)
modeless\edReactor.h (635, 2013-12-11)
modeless\modeless.cpp (7680, 2013-12-18)
modeless\modeless.def (345, 2013-12-11)
modeless\modeless.h (1043, 2013-12-11)
modeless\resource.h (1193, 2013-12-11)
modeless\sampdialog.cpp (3861, 2013-12-11)
modeless\sampdialog.h (1252, 2013-12-11)
modeless\stdafx.cpp (494, 2013-12-11)
modeless\stdafx.h (2523, 2013-12-11)

mfcsamps\modeless sample Readme.txt Copyright 2014 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form. MODELESS: This sample application displays a modeless dialog implemented with MFC. It also plants a database reactor on the current database and a document manager reactor on the active document in the MDI environment. When modifications are made to the database, the modeless dialog is updated to indicate which action was performed (that is, append, erase, or modify), and what were the affected object's handle, AcDbObjectId, and AcRxClass. Additionally, UNDO capability is provided from the context of the modeless dialog immediately following an alteration in a database entity. The ARX command to be invoked is MODELESS. This sample uses the MFC extension dll. It expects to have the same MFC DLL as AutoCAD. The consequences of this for Production AutoCAD, which uses non-debug MFC, are the following: - Debug target. The makefile will a build debug version of this sample with _non-debug_ MFC & C Runtime libraries. If you browse the codes, you will notice the following: // Turn off the _DEBUG symbol if it's defined, before including // MFC header files. #if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(AC_FULL_DEBUG) #define _DEBUG_WAS_DEFINED #undef _DEBUG #endif #include // Turn on the _DEBUG symbol if it was defined, before including // non-MFC header files. // #ifdef _DEBUG_WAS_DEFINED #define _DEBUG #undef _DEBUG_WAS_DEFINED #endif #include The above code section is used to turn off _DEBUG symbol for all MFC headers when we're building a debug version. When _DEBUG is not defined for MFC headers, it will pull in non-debug MFC library. Because debug code in MFC is turned off, your MFC code should not contain MFC debugging facility, such as CDump, AssertValid, and so on. However, it's still possible to debug into MFC source code. The DEBUG_AUTOCAD symbol is for Autodesk internal use only. There is another new key: document switching. Since we are in the MDI environment, the user can switch from one document view window to another during a command execution context. This may cause problems if it is not handled properly. That's why an AcApDocManagerReactor is implemented. However, there are some events such as bring to foreground, or minimizing, maximizing, restoring the frame window, that are not handled yet from the point of using the ObjectARX API.


