
上传日期:2014-07-30 09:46:17
上 传 者blue&sky
说明:  A-Star算法是一种静态路网中求解最短路最有,是matlab程序,可以运行实现,有网格图可以观测结果。
(A-Star is a static algorithm for solving the shortest road network in most, is matlab program, you can run to achieve, there is a grid map can be observed results.)

Astar (0, 2014-07-07)
Astar\A_Star1.asv (7397, 2010-07-03)
Astar\A_Star1.m (7396, 2010-07-02)
Astar\Astar_tutorial.pdf (80240, 2005-05-09)
Astar\distance.m (201, 2010-01-05)
Astar\expand_array.m (1824, 2010-01-05)
Astar\insert_open.m (596, 2010-01-05)
Astar\min_fn.m (1060, 2010-01-05)
Astar\node_index.m (297, 2010-01-05)
Astar\screenShot.jpg (44385, 2010-01-02)

%{ List of Files ReadMe.txt : Contains List of Files and description Astar_tutorial.pdf : Description of A* algorithm, examples A_star1.m : This is the main file that contains the algorithm. This needs to be executed to run the program. distance.m : This is a function that calculates the distance between 2 nodes. min_fn.m : This function takes the list OPEN as one of its arguments and returns the node with the smallest cost function. Node_index.m : This function returns the index of the location of a node in the list OPEN. Expand_array.m : This function takes a node and returns the expanded list of successors, with the calculated fn values. One of the criteria being none of the successors are on the CLOSED list. insert_open.m : This function populates the list OPEN with values that have been passed to it. %}


