
上传日期:2014-08-07 00:07:15
上 传 者jalapenoo
说明:  implicit mixtures of conditional restricted boltzmann machines for human body tracking

imCRBM (0, 2014-07-22)
imCRBM\.DS_Store (6148, 2014-07-22)
__MACOSX (0, 2014-08-06)
__MACOSX\imCRBM (0, 2014-08-06)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\._.DS_Store (82, 2014-07-22)
imCRBM\crbmfe.m (879, 2012-06-25)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\._crbmfe.m (177, 2012-06-25)
imCRBM\demo_imcrbm_mit.m (3667, 2012-06-25)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\._demo_imcrbm_mit.m (177, 2012-06-25)
imCRBM\demo_imcrbm_mit_labels.m (4920, 2012-06-25)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\._demo_imcrbm_mit_labels.m (177, 2012-06-25)
imCRBM\genmix.m (3857, 2012-06-25)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\._genmix.m (177, 2012-06-25)
imCRBM\make_mit_walk_jog.m (1687, 2012-06-25)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\._make_mit_walk_jog.m (177, 2012-06-25)
imCRBM\make_mit_walk_jog_withtest.m (2012, 2012-06-25)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\._make_mit_walk_jog_withtest.m (177, 2012-06-25)
imCRBM\mixgaussiancrbm.m (13432, 2012-06-25)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\._mixgaussiancrbm.m (177, 2012-06-25)
imCRBM\mixgaussiancrbm_labels.m (12597, 2012-06-25)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\._mixgaussiancrbm_labels.m (177, 2012-06-25)
imCRBM\Motion (0, 2012-06-25)
imCRBM\Motion\batchConvertBVH.m (1235, 2012-06-25)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\Motion (0, 2014-08-06)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\Motion\._batchConvertBVH.m (177, 2012-06-25)
imCRBM\Motion\batchConvertCMU.m (1062, 2012-06-25)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\Motion\._batchConvertCMU.m (177, 2012-06-25)
imCRBM\Motion\bvh2expmap.m (1195, 2012-06-25)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\Motion\._bvh2expmap.m (177, 2012-06-25)
imCRBM\Motion\dropframes.m (982, 2012-06-25)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\Motion\._dropframes.m (177, 2012-06-25)
imCRBM\Motion\euler2expmap.m (3165, 2012-06-25)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\Motion\._euler2expmap.m (177, 2012-06-25)
imCRBM\Motion\exp2xyz.m (5185, 2012-06-25)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\Motion\._exp2xyz.m (177, 2012-06-25)
imCRBM\Motion\expmap2rotmat.m (560, 2012-06-25)
__MACOSX\imCRBM\Motion\._expmap2rotmat.m (177, 2012-06-25)
imCRBM\Motion\expModify.m (2108, 2012-06-25)
... ...

#imCRBM Matlab implementation of Implicit mixtures of Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machines. Code provided by Graham Taylor For more information, see: Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, modify, or distribute this program and accompanying programs and documents for any purpose, provided this copyright notice is retained and prominently displayed, along with a note saying that the original programs are available from our web page. The programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or implied. As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important application. All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own risk. #External dependencies `sample_vector.m` (Sample from multiple categorical distributions) is a requirement. This also depends on `col_sum.m`. They can both be obtained from Tom Minka's lightspeed toolbox: #Sample data You will need to move the sample data, [Normal1_M.mat]( and [Jog1_M.mat]( to the `data/` subdirectory or change the respective paths in the scripts. #Usage This subdirectory contains files related to learning and generation: ``` demo_imcrbm_mit.m Main file for learning (unsupervised) and generation demo_imcrbm_mit_labels.m Main file for learning (supervised) and generation mixgaussiancrbm.m Trains imCRBM unsupervised mixgaussiancrbm_labels.m Trains imCRBM with supervision on discrete components crbmfe.m Compute free energy under CRBM genmix.m Generates data from an imCRBM make_mit_walk_jog.m Dataset loading & preprocessing make_mit_walk_jog_withtest.m Dataset loading & preprocessing, also creates a test set visualize_mit.m Visualization of trained model (unsupervised) visualize_mit_labels.m Visualization of trained model (supervised) ``` Note that there are two entry points, depending on whether you want to train the model completely unsupervised (i.e. assuming no category labels) or supervised (i.e. with category labels corresponding to motion style). The Motion subdirectory contains files related to motion capture data: preprocessing/postprocessing, playback, etc ... #Parameters There are a number of parameters (number of discrete components, number of hidden units, etc.) that can be changed. Most are at the top of `demo_imcrbm_mit.m` and `demo_imcrbm_mit_labels.m`. But there are also some parameters (learning rates, sparsity settings, etc.) defined in `mixgaussiancrbm.m` and `mixgaussiancrbm_labels.m`. The default parameters should work; however, if `/tmp` is not writeable, then the definition of `snapshot_root` must be changed in `demo_imcrbm_mit.m` and `demo_imcrbm_mit_labels.m`. #Acknowledgements The sample data we have included has been provided by Eugene Hsu: Several subroutines related to motion playback are adapted from Neil Lawrence's Motion Capture Toolbox: Several subroutines related to conversion to/from exponential map representation are provided by Hao Zhang: *NOTE: I do not plan on extending this code. I have, for the most part, moved away from Matlab and am developing in Python. Of course, if there are major bugs reported, I will fix them.*


