
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2014-08-07 20:13:53
上 传 者Gooooooogle
说明:  一个十六进制编辑器,可以瞬间打开非常大的文件
(a hexadecimals editor,very good source code.)

HexEdit.sln (6470, 2014-04-18)
LICENCE.TXT (1055, 2014-04-18)
bin (0, 2014-04-18)
bin\typelib (0, 2014-04-18)
bin\typelib\basetypes.txt (1160, 2014-04-18)
bin\typelib\elf.txt (1645, 2014-04-18)
bin\typelib\pe.txt (8696, 2014-04-18)
build (0, 2014-04-18)
build\build.bat (537, 2014-04-18)
build\build0.bat (193, 2014-04-18)
build\buildzip.rb (2583, 2014-04-18)
build\incbuild.bat (2721, 2014-04-18)
build\incbuild.rb (3264, 2014-04-18)
build\version.h (365, 2014-04-18)
example (0, 2014-04-18)
example\wtl_hexview (0, 2014-04-18)
example\wtl_hexview\AboutDlg.h (1014, 2014-04-18)
example\wtl_hexview\MainFrm.h (3667, 2014-04-18)
example\wtl_hexview\res (0, 2014-04-18)
example\wtl_hexview\res\toolbar.bmp (1078, 2014-04-18)
example\wtl_hexview\res\wtl_hexview.ico (1078, 2014-04-18)
example\wtl_hexview\resource.h (457, 2014-04-18)
example\wtl_hexview\stdafx.cpp (279, 2014-04-18)
example\wtl_hexview\stdafx.h (1341, 2014-04-18)
example\wtl_hexview\wtl_hexview.cpp (1414, 2014-04-18)
example\wtl_hexview\wtl_hexview.h (17, 2014-04-18)
example\wtl_hexview\wtl_hexview.rc (9344, 2014-04-18)
example\wtl_hexview\wtl_hexview.sln (1986, 2014-04-18)
example\wtl_hexview\wtl_hexview.vcxproj (7485, 2014-04-18)
example\wtl_hexview\wtl_hexview.vcxproj.filters (2026, 2014-04-18)
example\wtl_hexview\wtl_hexviewView.h (918, 2014-04-18)
src (0, 2014-04-18)
src\ConfigLib (0, 2014-04-18)
src\ConfigLib\ConfigLib.h (1719, 2014-04-18)
src\ConfigLib\ConfigLib.vcxproj (8257, 2014-04-18)
src\ConfigLib\ConfigLib.vcxproj.filters (1673, 2014-04-18)
src\ConfigLib\configlib.cpp (7190, 2014-04-18)
... ...

Catch22 HexEdit --------------- Visit the Catch22 homepage at www.catch22.net/software HexEdit program and sourcecode is released under the MIT open source licence. Please refer to LICENCE.TXT for licencing terms and conditions. Sourcecode is available on github: www.github.com/strobejb/HexEdit Building HexEdit ---------------- HexEdit requires Visual C++ 2010 (or later). HexEdit can be built using the IDE, or via the Visual Studio command-prompt by using the /build/build.bat command. The resulting binaries will be located in the /bin directory. When using the build.bat commandline tool, packaged zipfiles will be located in the build/out directory


