
上传日期:2014-08-26 18:56:33
上 传 者gaoyiming
说明:  这是bregman迭代的小例子,看完之后对图像处理的优化帮助很大,你可以掌握其中的优化算法,很好,很实用
(This is the iterative Bregman small example, after reading on the optimization of image processing helps a lot, you can grasp optimization algorithm, which is very good, very practical.)

Bregman_Matlab_demo (0, 2012-01-20)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\error_forgetting_and_cancellation_demo.m (6690, 2012-01-20)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\fpc_bb_for_Bregman (0, 2012-01-16)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\fpc_bb_for_Bregman\fpc_bb.m (10769, 2012-01-16)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\fpc_bb_for_Bregman\fpc_bb_opts.m (4969, 2007-03-19)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\fpc_bb_for_Bregman\fp_bb.m (10939, 2012-01-16)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\fp_for_Bregman (0, 2012-01-16)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\fp_for_Bregman\fp.m (6326, 2012-01-16)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\fp_for_Bregman\fp_opts.m (3116, 2009-07-28)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\gpsr_for_Bregman (0, 2012-01-16)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\gpsr_for_Bregman\GPSR_Basic.m (21922, 2008-01-15)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\gpsr_for_Bregman\GPSR_BB.m (23882, 2009-01-16)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\gpsr_for_Bregman\source url.txt (75, 2012-01-16)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\mosek_for_Bregman (0, 2012-01-18)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\mosek_for_Bregman\mosek_uncon_l1.m (2060, 2012-01-18)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\mosek_for_Bregman\test_run.m (433, 2012-01-18)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\myprint.m (628, 2012-01-18)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\sparsa_for_Bregman (0, 2012-01-16)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\sparsa_for_Bregman\soft.m (123, 2007-12-13)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\sparsa_for_Bregman\source url.txt (79, 2012-01-16)
Bregman_Matlab_demo\sparsa_for_Bregman\SpaRSA.m (27788, 2009-04-21)

----- Introduction ----- The m-file "error_forgetting_and_cancellation_demo.m" is a Matlab demo of the error forgetting and error cancellation properties of Bregman iteration applied to solving the basis pursuit problem min ||x||_1, s.t. Ax = B. Bregman iteration is based on solving a sequence of subproblems in the form of min mu*||x||_1 + (1/2) ||Ax - b^k||_2^2 where b^k is updated iteratively as b^{k+1} = b^k + (b - A x^k). In the demo, each subproblem is solved by one of the several different algorithms up to tolerance 1E-6. The sequence, however, converges to a highly accurate solution of error with an error less than 1E-14. ----- Installation ----- This code requires Mosek, which is a commercial solver with free academic lincense. Please download Mosek from, install Mosek with a license, and add its Matlab toolbox to the Matlab search path. You can test run Mosek by executing "test_run.m" under "./mosek_for_Bregman" ----- Contact ----- Wotao Yin (, Jan 16, 2012)


