
上传日期:2014-09-10 11:45:42
上 传 者iStig
说明:  低功耗蓝牙 可以搜索ibeacon设备 并把设备当作ibeacon设备。 设备要求iphone4s以上
(low energy ble)

HiBeacons.xcodeproj (0, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons.xcodeproj\project.pbxproj (21465, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons.xcodeproj\project.xcworkspace (0, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons.xcodeproj\project.xcworkspace\contents.xcworkspacedata (154, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons (0, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons\HiBeacons-Info.plist (1379, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons\HiBeacons-Prefix.pch (1362, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons\Images.xcassets (0, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons\Images.xcassets\AppIcon.appiconset (0, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons\Images.xcassets\AppIcon.appiconset\Contents.json (333, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons\Images.xcassets\LaunchImage.launchimage (0, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons\Images.xcassets\LaunchImage.launchimage\Contents.json (442, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons\Main.storyboard (7182, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons\NATHiBeaconsDelegate.h (1355, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons\NATHiBeaconsDelegate.m (1788, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons\NATViewController.h (1500, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons\NATViewController.m (21217, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons\en.lproj (0, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons\en.lproj\InfoPlist.strings (45, 2014-02-12)
HiBeacons\main.m (1415, 2014-02-12)
HiBeaconsTests (0, 2014-02-12)
HiBeaconsTests\HiBeaconsTests-Info.plist (697, 2014-02-12)
HiBeaconsTests\NATHiBeaconsTests.m (1736, 2014-02-12)
HiBeaconsTests\en.lproj (0, 2014-02-12)
HiBeaconsTests\en.lproj\InfoPlist.strings (45, 2014-02-12)
LICENCE (1057, 2014-02-12)
screenshot.png (43150, 2014-02-12)

HiBeacons ========= **A demo app for the iBeacons API in iOS 7** HiBeacons is a fully functional demo app for the new iBeacons API in iOS 7. The app can be used to demonstrate beacon monitoring, advertising and ranging, by toggling on/off three switches. You can easily see any beacons in the vicinity, with all their info, under the 'Detected Beacons' section. ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](https://raw.github.com/nicktoumpelis/HiBeacons/master/screenshot.png) ## Notes - Monitoring works when the app is in the background. You will get a local notification when entering a beacon region. - The app can only monitor and range a single beacon region, but can easily be extended for multiple. - You can find and set the UUID and identifier for the beacon (and the region) at the top of NTViewController.m. - Major and minor integers are generated randomly every time a new advertising session starts. - The app will not list itself as a beacon, even if you toggle advertising on. (It's how the API works.) You need to run another instance of the app for that. - The UI doesn't show any alerts; check the console for more details. ### Background advertising Beacon region advertising doesn't work in the background in iOS 7, even with the `bluetooth-peripheral` mode set in `Info.plist`. ## Contact [Nick Toumpelis](http://github.com/nicktoumpelis) ([@nicktoumpelis](https://twitter.com/nicktoumpelis)) ## Licence HiBeacons is available under the MIT licence. See the LICENCE file for more info.


