
上传日期:2014-09-12 15:46:15
上 传 者xuewangq
说明:  二维连续小波变换,以及高维连续小波变化,简单易懂!!
(Mainly includes two dimensional continuous wavelet transform and higher dimensional continuous wavelet transform and its application!!)

yawtb\AUTHORS (280, 2002-01-06)
yawtb\Changelog (224, 2007-09-20)
yawtb\Changelog.raw (68279, 2002-11-27)
yawtb\continuous\1d\cgt1d.m (5207, 2007-03-21)
yawtb\continuous\1d\cwt1d.m (6604, 2004-05-17)
yawtb\continuous\1d\null.is_in_mpath (0, 2005-05-18)
yawtb\continuous\1d\wave_defs\dgauss1d.m (2607, 2003-10-28)
yawtb\continuous\1d\wave_defs\gauss1d.m (2222, 2004-01-02)
yawtb\continuous\1d\wave_defs\mexican1d.m (2648, 2004-03-03)
yawtb\continuous\1d\wave_defs\morlet1d.m (2742, 2002-07-02)
yawtb\continuous\1d\wave_defs\null.is_in_mpath (0, 2005-05-18)
yawtb\continuous\1d\wave_defs\sdog1d.m (2638, 2002-07-02)
yawtb\continuous\1d\win_defs\gauss1d.m (2550, 2002-07-02)
yawtb\continuous\1d\win_defs\null.is_in_mpath (0, 2005-05-18)
yawtb\continuous\1d\yashow_cgt1d.m (4623, 2007-03-21)
yawtb\continuous\1d\yashow_cwt1d.m (5684, 2004-05-17)
yawtb\continuous\1dt\cwt1dt.m (7350, 2002-11-21)
yawtb\continuous\1dt\null.is_in_mpath (0, 2005-05-18)
yawtb\continuous\1dt\wave_defs\mexican1dt.m (2984, 2002-07-03)
yawtb\continuous\1dt\wave_defs\morlet1dt.m (2634, 2002-07-03)
yawtb\continuous\1dt\wave_defs\null.is_in_mpath (0, 2005-05-18)
yawtb\continuous\1dt\yashow_cwt1dt.m (8058, 2002-11-21)
yawtb\continuous\2d\cwt2d.m (11854, 2004-08-24)
yawtb\continuous\2d\null.is_in_mpath (0, 2005-05-18)
yawtb\continuous\2d\samcwt2d.m (4717, 2002-04-23)
yawtb\continuous\2d\sarcwt2d.m (7053, 2003-06-24)
yawtb\continuous\2d\wave_defs\cauchy2d.m (3630, 2003-03-13)
yawtb\continuous\2d\wave_defs\dergauss2d.m (2781, 2014-07-16)
yawtb\continuous\2d\wave_defs\dog2d.m (2665, 2001-10-21)
yawtb\continuous\2d\wave_defs\endstop1.m (3106, 2002-01-11)
yawtb\continuous\2d\wave_defs\endstop2.m (3592, 2001-10-21)
yawtb\continuous\2d\wave_defs\es2cauchy2d.m (3680, 2003-03-13)
yawtb\continuous\2d\wave_defs\es2morlet2d.m (2742, 2003-03-13)
yawtb\continuous\2d\wave_defs\esmex2d.m (3135, 2001-12-18)
yawtb\continuous\2d\wave_defs\gabor2d.m (2524, 2002-07-25)
yawtb\continuous\2d\wave_defs\gauss2d.m (2334, 2014-07-16)
yawtb\continuous\2d\wave_defs\gaussx2d.m (2999, 2001-10-28)
yawtb\continuous\2d\wave_defs\gaussz2d.m (3302, 2001-10-28)
yawtb\continuous\2d\wave_defs\isdog2d.m (2759, 2003-08-13)
... ...

Welcome to the Yet Another Wavelet toolbox. Warnings: --------- This is the version 0.1.0 of the YAWtb, the initial release. It is still an unstable version and a lot of work has to be done especially on the documentation (use YAWtb at your own, rather limited, risk). Any comments are welcome on our mailing lists (see the YAWtb website) A) Requirements - -------------- The YAWtb works for Matlab versions greater than 5 and was developped onto the 6th. If you have some bugs, all emails are welcome at . See the YAWtb homepage (http://www.fyma.ucl.ac.be/projects/yawtb) if you desire more information about this mailing list. B) Installation --------------- In the sequel, the '>>' symbols represents the Matlab prompt. Follow these steps to install the YAWtb Matlab toolbox, 1? Unpack YAWtb where you want (say the directory for simplicity); 2? Compile all the YAWtb mexfiles (provided tha your 'mex' matlab script is well configured. See ) with the 'yamake' utility: >> cd >> yamake ( and for a more explicit compilation >> yamake debug ) Remark: If you have Microsoft Windows (9x, 2000, XP, ...), it seems that the native Matlab compiler, and also this of Windows, are not able to compile correctly the yawtb C code (e.g. cwtsph stuff). Use instead the free compiler of Borland available at http://www.borland.com (need a simple registration) and configure Matlab in function (run 'mex -setup' and read the Borland compiler FAQ and doc). 3? Run 'yaload' in Matlab to load the whole YAWtb path: >> cd >> yaload 4? Add the following lines to a matlab startup file, either the general one (matlabrc.m) located in MATLABDIR/toolbox/local, or the local startup file (startup.m) somewhere in your home dir (see matlab doc): %% YAWtb installation olddir=pwd; cd yaload; cd(olddir); clear olddir; 5? Enjoy of YAWtb !


