
上传日期:2014-09-14 18:53:15
上 传 者MATLAB代做代写3
说明:  嫦娥三号于2013年12月2日1时30分成功发射,12月6日抵达月球轨道。嫦娥三号在着陆准备轨道上的运行质量为2.4t,其安装在下部的主减速发动机能够产生1500N到7500N的可调节推力,其比冲(即单位质量的推进剂产生的推力)为2940m/s,可以满足调整速度的控制要求。在四周安装有姿态调整发动机,在给定主减速发动机的推力方向后,能够自动通过多个发动机的脉冲组合实现各种姿态的调整控制。嫦娥三号的预定着陆点为19.51W,44.12N,海拔为-2641m(见附件1)。 嫦娥三号在高速飞行的情况下,要保证准确地在月球预定区域内实现软着陆,关键问题是着陆轨道与控制策略的设计。其着陆轨道设计的基本要求:着陆准备轨道为近月点15km,远月点100km的椭圆形轨道;着陆轨道为从近月点至着陆点,其软着陆过程共分为6个阶段(见附件2),要求满足每个阶段在关键点所处的状态;尽量减少软着陆过程的燃料消耗。 根据上述的基本要求,请你们建立数学模型解决下面的问题: (1)确定着陆准备轨道近月点和远月点的位置,以及嫦娥三号相应速度的大小与方向。 (2)确定嫦娥三号的着陆轨道和在6个阶段的最优控制策略。 (3)对于你们设计的着陆轨道和控制策略做相应的误差分析和敏感性分析。
(Chang E III in at 1:30 on December 2, 2013 successfully launched December 6 arrived in lunar orbit. Chang E III runs on the quality of the landing track ready for 2.4t, installed in the lower part of the main gear of the engine can produce 1500N to 7500N adjustable thrust, specific impulse (ie, per unit mass of propellant to produce thrust) to 2940m/s, the speed of adjustment to meet the control requirements. Attitude adjustment around the engine installed in the main gear after a given engine thrust direction, to achieve a variety of attitude adjustment control pulse can automatically through a combination of multiple engines. Scheduled landing Chang E III is 19.51W, 44.12N, altitude-2641m (see Annex 1). Chang E III in the case of high-speed flight, to ensure accurate lunar soft landing in a predetermined area, the key issue is the landing track and control strategy design. The basic requirements for its landing orbit design: landing point in recent months to prepare the track for 1)

CUMCM-2014A-Chinese.doc (41472, 2014-09-04)
附件1 问题的背景与参考资料(9.3定).doc (252416, 2014-09-03)
附件2 嫦娥三号软着陆过程(9.3定).doc (1195008, 2014-09-03)
附件3 距2400m处的数字高程图.tif (12432744, 2014-06-09)
附件4 距月面100m处的数字高程图.tif (1021808, 2014-06-09)


