
上传日期:2014-09-18 00:45:37
上 传 者asepsy
说明:  http proxy server project.for free internet

source code inject dengan delphi\SocketSpy.dpr (253, 2000-01-27)
source code inject dengan delphi\uLog.dfm (1001, 2000-02-09)
source code inject dengan delphi\uLog.pas (6665, 2001-11-23)
source code inject dengan delphi\uMain.dfm (1783, 2001-01-27)
source code inject dengan delphi\uMain.pas (7711, 2001-01-30)
source code inject dengan delphi (0, 2013-11-13)

This version of Socketspy uses TWSocketServer. This spying program is a kind of proxy displaying all traffic going through it. It can display the traffic in ascii or in hex-ascii (for binary traffic). It's primary intention is for debugging purposes. You will need to install Francois Piette's TWSocketServer component ( No additional components are required. Usage is very simple: You set the listening port to the one that your client TCP program must connect to, then set the address and port to the machine where you want to connect to and finally click on 'Listen'. Multiple connections are shown in different colors. A few examples on how to use it: * you want to see the traffic with IE running on same machine as SocketSpy, and you have to connect through the proxy server of your ISP on port 8080. In IE, set 'connection', 'lan settings' to 'use proxy server'. Fill in 'localhost' and port 80. Set the listen port in SocketSpy to 80, the address to the proxy of your ISP, and the port to 8080. You will notice that connecting to some sites requires multiple connections. * if you dont have a LAN and use dial-up you have to do these settings in the 'Settings' of the dial up connection in the same tab ('Connections'). * you have created a client/server application running on same machine as socketspy and want to check out traffic. Your server is listening on port 9000 (or any other port). Set the port and address of your client to 9001 and localhost. Start SocketSpy listening on port 9001 and set address and port of remote to localhost and 9000. * you are connected to the internet and someone else also connected to the internet wants to connect to a machine on your LAN (which is on a private network and therefore not routable). Then you ask to connect to your machine that is connected to the internet let's say on port 9000. Run SocketSpy on the machine that is connected to the internet and set the port to 9000. Set machine and port of SocketSpy to the machine on your LAN and the port the server program is listening on. Thats all. The program is free for use only thing I ask is that you not claim to written the original code if you distribute it. And of course if you make any money with it, then a small gift is welcome ;-)) You can reach me for questions, or just to say 'hello' at: And of course on the TWSocket mailing list where your questions can also reach others. The home page of the company I work for is: Many thanks also to Simon Steed [] who corrected my English in this document. (pleasure Wilfried :o)) If you have CBuilder standard, then it will not compile because assembler is used in the code for the debugstring (all other version are ok). Then you can change the debugstring code in this very simple, but slower code: function DebugString(Log: string): string; var i : integer; nAddr : integer; HexLine, txtLine, TmpLine : string; begin result := ''; nAddr := 0; while Length(Log) > 0 do begin tmpLine := copy(Log, 1, 16); Delete(Log, 1, 16); HexLine := ''; txtLine := ''; for i := 1 to 16 do begin if i <= length( tmpLine ) then begin HexLine := HexLine + IntToHex(ord(TmpLine[i]), 2); txtLine := txtLine + iif( ord(TmpLine[i]) < $20 , '.' , tmpLine[i] ); end else begin HexLine := HexLine + ' '; txtLine := txtLine + ' '; end; HexLine := HexLine + iif( i = 8 , '-' , ' ' ); end; Result := Result + IntToHex( nAddr , 4 ) + ' ' + HexLine + TxtLine + #13#10; nAddr := nAddr + $10; end; end;


