
上传日期:2014-09-19 12:25:19
上 传 者kly
说明:  以四轴的动作原理做成的 3D 空中鼠标,鼠标工作时稳定不抖动,控制端以 STM32F103RB / MPU6050 / NRF24L01 之组合而成,并附有 TP4057 充电管理器,而接收端也以 STM32F103VB / NRF24L01 的组合搭配,经测试后已接近成品之品质,且于控制手感上也做了一系列优化如下: 1.智能双击和拖动,能有效避免点击时抖动造成的双击失败。 2.移动带有加速度功能,如同雷蛇鼠标的设置方式,能明确让手感提升。 3.带有滚动功能,左右键一起按下,则进入滚动模式,方便于浏览网页。 4.内部有带算欧拉角,能兼容不同之握法,而颠倒时也拿都可以正常运作。 附注:内附带实体操作之视频展示连结可参考!
(In principle axis of movement made 3D air mouse, the mouse does not work stable jitter control terminal combination STM32F103RB/MPU6050/NRF24L01' s made, along with TP4057 charge manager, and the receiver also STM32F103VB/NRF24L01 of mix and match, after tests have been close to the quality of the finished product, and on the control handle also made a series of optimization are as follows: 1. Intelligent Double-click and drag, can effectively avoid clicking when you double-click the jitter caused by the failure. 2. Moving with acceleration features like Razer mouse is set up, can clearly make feel improvement. 3. Press together with scroll function, left and right keys, then enter scroll mode, easy to browse the Web. 4. With operators inside Euler angles can be compatible with different grip method, while reverse can also take normal operation. Note: The accompanying video shows the operation of the link entity can refer!)

发送端源码 (0, 2014-09-19)
发送端源码\CQY (0, 2014-09-19)
发送端源码\CQY\ALL_config.c (6963, 2014-09-03)
发送端源码\CQY\ALL_config.h (203, 2013-11-03)
发送端源码\CQY\Cal.c (3922, 2014-09-03)
发送端源码\CQY\cal.h (327, 2013-07-18)
发送端源码\CQY\delay.c (1821, 2013-11-10)
发送端源码\CQY\delay.h (100, 2013-05-08)
发送端源码\CQY\HMC5883.c (827, 2014-09-03)
发送端源码\CQY\HMC5883.h (55, 2013-05-10)
发送端源码\CQY\IIC.c (2379, 2013-05-10)
发送端源码\CQY\IIC.h (180, 2013-04-26)
发送端源码\CQY\KEY.c (977, 2014-09-03)
发送端源码\CQY\KEY.h (373, 2013-08-01)
发送端源码\CQY\main.c (2325, 2014-09-03)
发送端源码\CQY\MPU6050.c (4746, 2014-09-03)
发送端源码\CQY\MPU6050.H (156, 2013-11-03)
发送端源码\CQY\NRF24L01.c (6218, 2014-09-03)
发送端源码\CQY\NRF24L01.h (3044, 2013-11-16)
发送端源码\CQY\spi.c (3660, 2013-11-10)
发送端源码\CQY\spi.h (2139, 2013-01-16)
发送端源码\CQY\stm32f10x_conf.h (3236, 2011-04-04)
发送端源码\CQY\stm32f10x_it.c (4453, 2011-04-04)
发送端源码\CQY\stm32f10x_it.h (1983, 2011-04-04)
发送端源码\CQY\system_stm32f10x.c (36577, 2011-04-04)
发送端源码\CQY\USART.c (195, 2013-01-16)
发送端源码\CQY\USART.h (0, 2013-01-15)
发送端源码\CQY\var_global.h (1485, 2014-09-03)
发送端源码\desktop.ini (68, 2012-06-25)
发送端源码\Libraries (0, 2014-09-19)
发送端源码\Libraries\CMSIS (0, 2014-09-19)
发送端源码\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3 (0, 2014-09-19)
发送端源码\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\CoreSupport (0, 2014-09-19)
发送端源码\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\CoreSupport\core_cm3.c (17273, 2010-06-07)
发送端源码\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\CoreSupport\core_cm3.h (85714, 2011-02-09)
发送端源码\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport (0, 2014-09-19)
发送端源码\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST (0, 2014-09-19)
发送端源码\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F10x (0, 2014-09-19)
发送端源码\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F10x\Release_Notes.html (26297, 2011-03-14)
发送端源码\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F10x\startup (0, 2014-09-19)
... ...

* ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. * * Date: 07 March 2012 * Revision: V3.01 * * Project: Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) * Title: Release Note for CMSIS * * ------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE - Open the index.html file to access CMSIS documentation The Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) provides a single standard across all Cortex-Mx processor series vendors. It enables code re-use and code sharing across software projects and reduces time-to-market for new embedded applications. CMSIS is released under the terms of the end user license agreement ("CMSIS END USER LICENCE AGREEMENT.pdf"). Any user of the software package is bound to the terms and conditions of the end user license agreement. You will find the following sub-directories: Documentation - Contains CMSIS documentation. DSP_Lib - MDK project files, Examples and source files etc.. to build the CMSIS DSP Software Library for Cortex-M0, Cortex-M3, Cortex-M4 processors. Include - CMSIS Core Support and CMSIS DSP Include Files. Lib - CMSIS DSP Libraries. RTOS - CMSIS RTOS API template header file. SVD - CMSIS SVD Schema files and Conversion Utility.


