
上传日期:2014-10-23 20:24:50
上 传 者dengns20093845
说明:  一个基于matlab的gps电离层数据计算程序,可以在mtlab环境下进行电离层计算
(a little program for mathematic of gps)

tec_code (0, 2014-10-23)
tec_code\CODG1310.09I (877339, 2010-03-15)
tec_code\applyIfb.asv (402, 2013-11-09)
tec_code\applyIfb.m (402, 2013-11-09)
tec_code\azelle.m (949, 2010-03-15)
tec_code\check_ele.m (1206, 2010-03-15)
tec_code\check_sample.m (420, 2010-03-15)
tec_code\clean_obs.m (748, 2010-03-15)
tec_code\clean_phase.m (1932, 2010-03-15)
tec_code\data_prn12.mat (28266, 2014-08-28)
tec_code\data_prn14.mat (36463, 2014-08-28)
tec_code\data_prn16.mat (10116, 2014-08-28)
tec_code\data_prn18.mat (29444, 2014-08-28)
tec_code\data_prn20.mat (5295, 2014-08-28)
tec_code\data_prn21.mat (17652, 2014-08-28)
tec_code\data_prn22.mat (36512, 2014-08-28)
tec_code\data_prn24.mat (4950, 2014-08-28)
tec_code\data_prn26.mat (9394, 2014-08-28)
tec_code\data_prn27.mat (8220, 2014-08-28)
tec_code\data_prn29.mat (4884, 2014-08-28)
tec_code\data_prn30.mat (35663, 2014-08-28)
tec_code\data_prn31.mat (34430, 2014-08-28)
tec_code\data_prn32.mat (14752, 2014-08-28)
tec_code\data_prn9.mat (15501, 2014-08-28)
tec_code\driver.asv (1319, 2014-02-19)
tec_code\driver.template (1350, 2014-08-14)
tec_code\dth_data.dat (84686, 2014-06-11)
tec_code\elleza.m (673, 2010-03-15)
tec_code\epgga9.131 (261181, 2010-03-15)
tec_code\filt_alltraces.m (1595, 2010-03-15)
tec_code\filt_alltraces2.m (1709, 2010-03-15)
tec_code\get_emf.m (878, 2010-03-15)
tec_code\get_ifb.m (901, 2010-03-15)
tec_code\get_ion.m (3012, 2010-03-15)
tec_code\get_mag_los.m (1139, 2010-03-15)
tec_code\get_tec.asv (15698, 2014-06-11)
tec_code\get_tec.m (15811, 2014-08-14)
tec_code\get_tgd_ionex.m (746, 2010-03-15)
tec_code\ifbFromstruct.m (619, 2010-03-15)
... ...

This directory contains all of the .m and .c files needed to run the main matlab program get_tec.m This directory also contains sample files: driver.template - program driver file nas01310.09o - rinex file CODG1310.09I - ionex file igs15311.sp3 - orbit file epgga9.131 - ephemerides file these will allow you to run the program for the settings in driver.template and output example TEC timeseries. get_tec.m outputs .mat files by receiver, satellite, or both (options in driver file). Each .mat file is a 1x1 structure containing, for each satellite/receiver pair, a 13xN matrix whose contents are listed in the header of the get_tec.m program. To start, put all of the files contained in the .zip archive into a directory before you run get_tec you must compile readrinex.c in matlab: 'mex readrinex.c' to start the run, type (in matlab): get_tec('driver.template') futher details of the program can be found in tec_docu.pdf


