
上传日期:2007-04-05 19:36:55
上 传 者xj4019
说明:  Converts 3D and 2D MATLAB plots to the scalable vector format (SVG).
(Converts 2D and 3D plots to the MATLAB scala ble vector format (SVG).)

example.svg (90995, 2005-12-05)
example3d.jpg (62279, 2006-01-22)
example3d.svg (96940, 2006-01-22)
plot2svg.m (88574, 2006-01-22)
plot2svg_2d.m (59251, 2005-12-10)
svg_example.jpg (39745, 2005-04-09)

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Export of Figures UPDATED VERSION 22-Jan-2006 (Use stable version 12-Dec-2005 for 2D plots in case of problems) Converts 2D & 3D Matlab plots to the scalable vector format (SVG). This format is specified by W3C ( and can be viewed and printed with internet browsers. Plug-ins for the browsers are available from Adobe ( or and Corel ( Mozilla Firefox (ver. < 1.5) needs at least version 6.0 Build 38363 of the Adobe SVG Viewer. The latest version of plot2svg supports the built-in SVG handling of Firefox 1.5 (with limitation for linear shaded patches). Editors for the SVG file format can be found at or Usage: > plot2svg % opens a file dialog to plot the active figure or > plot2svg('myfile.svg', figure handle, pixelfiletype) pixelfiletype = 'png' (default), 'jpg' IMPORTANT: Firefox 1.5 may hang if too many linear shaded patches are used in the figure. Supported Features - line, patch, contour, contourf, quiver, surf, ... - markers - image (saved as linked png pictures) - grouping of elements - alpha values for patches - subplot - colorbar - legend - zoom - reverse axes - controls are saved as png pictures - log axis scaling - axis scaling factors (10^x) - labels that contain Latex commands are interpreted (with some limitations): \alpha, \Alpha, \beta, \Beta, ... \infity, \pm, \approx {\it.....} for italic text {\bf.....} for bold text ^{...} for superscript _{...} for subscript How to use SVG files in HTML code Changes in Version 22-May-2005 - bugfix line color - bugfix path of linked jpeg figures - improved patch handling (interpolation and texture still missing, preliminary depth sorting) - support of pcolor plots - preliminary: surface plots are projected on the xy-plane (use 'rotate' command) Changes in Version 12-Dec-2005 - bugfix viewBox - improvement of the axis scaling (many thanks to Bill Denney) - improvement handling of exponents for log-plots - default pixel format png instead of jpeg (many thanks to Bill Denney) - bugfix axindex - bugfix cell array cells (many thanks to Bill Denney) - improved handling of pixel images (many thanks to Bill Denney) - to save original figure background use set(gcf,'InvertHardcopy','off') - improved markers Changes in Version 8-Jan-2006 - axes handling fully reworked (3D axes) - rework of axes scaling (3D axes) - clipping enabled (Use carefully, as all figure data is written to file -> may get large) - minor grid lines are now supported for linear and log plots - linear color interpolation on patches (The interploation needs to be emulated as SVG does not support a linear interpolation of colors between three points. This is done by combination of different patches with linear alpha gradients. See limitation for Firefox 1.5.) Changes in Version 22-Jan-2006 - bugfix 'end' Limitations: - axis scaling factors for 3D axes - plot object of Matlab R14 not supported (use 'v6' switch instead) - 3D plot functionality limited (depth sorting, light) Example of a SVG file is included to the zip file. Reports of bugs highly welcome.


