
上传日期:2014-11-04 19:50:43
上 传 者test@2017
说明:  STEP模型读取的类库,官方资料,附文档说明
(Read STEP model library, official data, with documentation)

.travis.yml (289, 2014-08-18)
AUTHORS (1146, 2014-08-18)
CMakeLists.txt (5974, 2014-08-18)
COPYING (5394, 2014-08-18)
CTestConfig.cmake (564, 2014-08-18)
ChangeLog (1001, 2014-08-18)
INSTALL (2589, 2014-08-18)
NEWS (50779, 2014-08-18)
SC_VERSION.txt (4, 2014-08-18)
cmake (0, 2014-08-18)
cmake\CheckCFileRuns.cmake (3789, 2014-08-18)
cmake\FindLEMON.cmake (3112, 2014-08-18)
cmake\FindPERPLEX.cmake (3754, 2014-08-18)
cmake\FindRE2C.cmake (500, 2014-08-18)
cmake\Generated_Source_Utils.cmake (3465, 2014-08-18)
cmake\LEMON_Util.cmake (6791, 2014-08-18)
cmake\PERPLEX_Util.cmake (5821, 2014-08-18)
cmake\SC_Build_opts.cmake (6446, 2014-08-18)
cmake\SC_CXX_schema_macros.cmake (5634, 2014-08-18)
cmake\SC_Config_Headers.cmake (3760, 2014-08-18)
cmake\SC_Locale.cmake (550, 2014-08-18)
cmake\SC_Outdirs.cmake (1728, 2014-08-18)
cmake\SC_Paths.cmake (3755, 2014-08-18)
cmake\SC_Regenerate.cmake (4076, 2014-08-18)
cmake\SC_Run_exp2cxx.cmake (885, 2014-08-18)
cmake\SC_Targets.cmake (7650, 2014-08-18)
cmake\ (1068, 2014-08-18)
cmake\ (5569, 2014-08-18)
cmake\sc_version_string.cmake (3518, 2014-08-18)
cmake\schema_scanner (0, 2014-08-18)
cmake\schema_scanner\CMakeLists.txt (2442, 2014-08-18)
cmake\schema_scanner\ (12735, 2014-08-18)
cmake\schema_scanner\schemaScanner.cmake (5513, 2014-08-18)
cmake\ (3454, 2014-08-18)
cmake\test_srcs (0, 2014-08-18)
cmake\test_srcs\sys_wait_test.c (315, 2014-08-18)
cmake\ (1566, 2014-08-18)
... ...

*********************************************************************** STEPcode v0.7 --, * What is STEPcode? SC reads ISO10303-11 EXPRESS schemas and generates C++ source code that can read and write Part 21 files conforming to that schema. In addition to C++, SC includes experimental support for Python. * Renamed in April/May 2012: SC was formerly known as STEP Class Libraries, SCL for short. It was renamed because the name wasn't accurate: the class libraries make up only a part of the code. * Much of the work to update SC has been done by the developers of BRL-CAD, and SC (then STEP Class Library) was originally created at NIST in the 90's. * For information on changes version-by-version, see the NEWS file * Building and testing SCL - see the INSTALL file * For more details on the libraries and executables, see the wiki: * For license details, see the COPYING file. Summary: 3-clause BSD. *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** CODING STANDARDS SC's source has been reformatted with astyle. When making changes, try to match the current formatting. The main points are: - compact (java-style) brackets: if( a == 3 ) { c = 5; function( a, b ); } else { somefunc( ); } - indents are 4 spaces - no tab characters - line endings are LF (linux), not CRLF (windows) - brackets around single-line conditionals - spaces inside parentheses and around operators - return type on the same line as the function name, unless that's too long - doxygen-style comments (see If in doubt about a large patch, run astyle with the config file misc/astyle.cfg. Download astyle from *********************************************************************** For more info, see the wiki.


